Thursday, October 4, 2007
It looks like it's going to be hot in Chicago!
After all my assurances to you that it would be easier to run in Chicago because it would be MUCH cooler, I am, yet again, proved wrong. But, just think how your training in Mississippi has you prepared for the rigors of running in the 60 to 70 degree heat!!!!! I would NOT wear long pants or leggings or tights because you cannot take those off during the race and you probably are going to get HOT, HOT, HOT! At least you don't have to wear layers and layers and layers, huh???? But, these are the conditions you have trained in so you KNOW that you can do it and finish while some of the people from the colder climates may have a meltdown! Surely the humidity will be lower there and for sure, there will be lots of people cheering you on and lots of entertainment along the way. I'm gonna try to keep up with you guys on Sunday with my laptop so send me your race numbers if you want me to!!!! And, your cell phone numbers and I'll call to congratulate you when you're done.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Do not take internet access for granted ever again!!!
I have not been online much at all for the past month or so which is amazing because, I admit, I am an internet addict! My internet at home is broken, got on seldom at the hospital, and the Delta appears to be about 20 years behind on wanting to be computer and internet literate--although it is available. I think we finally got it going today in Merigold at my brother's house but I have come back home for a few days. I did NOT want to come home and leave my brother but everyone seemed to think that I should. I only agreed to come so that I could work a little bit and earn some moolah so I can go to a marathon one day soon! I think I have about given up hope of going to Minneapolis as I am pretty out of shape physically and emotionally. And, am scared to leave and go out of town for that long as my brother is not making too much forward progress. But, we have been blessed with many visits and phone calls from wonderful friends which have made him very happy. He is such a brave person to face this awful challenge but he is doing it with dignity and courage despite having to accept maximum help for all of his activities of daily living. He is sleeping many hours a day now but is lucid when he is awake.
I have gotten to run a couple of times amongst the cotton rows, in the country which is pretty awe-inspiring even for someone who hates to run alone. I only get a good night's sleep every other night so I haven't been able to get up very early so haven't exercised too many times but, so what? I have plenty of time to do some more running and half marathons and whole marathons! So, I hope to see you all again and wish you the best of luck in Chicago. We are going to celebrate Chester's 60th birthday this weekend so I won't be doing the 10 miler with you in body but will definitely be there in spirit for the ten and also for your 26.2!!!! So, don't forget that and don't give up when you get tired and don't think you can go any farther because you can and you will cross that finish line and get that medal and that rush of emotion knowing that you achieved your goal!!!! I have a treat in mind that I want to get to you before the marathon but I'm not sure that I'm going to have time to do it--but I'll try!
I have gotten to run a couple of times amongst the cotton rows, in the country which is pretty awe-inspiring even for someone who hates to run alone. I only get a good night's sleep every other night so I haven't been able to get up very early so haven't exercised too many times but, so what? I have plenty of time to do some more running and half marathons and whole marathons! So, I hope to see you all again and wish you the best of luck in Chicago. We are going to celebrate Chester's 60th birthday this weekend so I won't be doing the 10 miler with you in body but will definitely be there in spirit for the ten and also for your 26.2!!!! So, don't forget that and don't give up when you get tired and don't think you can go any farther because you can and you will cross that finish line and get that medal and that rush of emotion knowing that you achieved your goal!!!! I have a treat in mind that I want to get to you before the marathon but I'm not sure that I'm going to have time to do it--but I'll try!
Friday, September 14, 2007
My brother got out of the hospital today!!!!
My brother has gotten stronger each day so was discharged to his own house today. What a blessing for him to get to be in his own house although he still is about as weak as a newborn baby and will require round the clock nursing care. But, all his friends can now come visit him and cheer him up. My brother from California got here yesterday so I let him take him home and get him set up so he'd have some private time with him as I got a lot of alone time with him which was wonderful. And, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I'll be there in the morning struggling to complete my 22 miles along with the rest of you! Ain't life grand?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I used to take it for granted
I used to take being able to exercise daily for granted. Although, I did know that being single allowed me to be selfish and get up at the crack of dawn and not bother anyone. But, not being able to exercise the past couple of weeks makes me REALLY appreciate finding the time to be able to get in a run. I think I ran once last week and I got up and ran this morning. My stamina was down but it felt good other than that, even alone in my neighborhood. Had to be at the hospital at 630 am to relieve the night shift but woke up at 4 am so decided I should hit the road just in case there is any hope I might be able to do the marathon. I couldn't run any more after 4 miles but maybe I'll get some more stamina in the coming weeks. If I have hospital coverage, I'll come do some of the 22 on Saturday--it would be nice to see everybody! But, if my brother gets out of the hospital, I won't be there and won't run this marathon but I'll do another one later on!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Marathon training pays off in other ways!
Have laptop on at the hospital on their network. Have spent many hours at the hospital since I last blogged. I only had about 3 hours of sleep per night for 4 straight nights but I did get to go home last night and sleep for a long time in my own bed. I don't think I could have survived this ordeal if I had not been strong from the training. And, I think that being stronger helped me be able to move my brother in the bed and help him in and out of the bed better than I would have been able to in my original couch potato form. Unfortunately, the findings at surgery were not what we had hoped and prayed for and only palliative surgery was done to improve his quality of life. He knows this now and is fairly depressed and has decided that he will not take chemotherapy as he is tired of fighting. And, I don't blame him one bit as he is making the right decision. But, as you can imagine, this situation is very sad for all of us who love him and care for him and very emotionally draining. But, our hope is for him to recover from this surgery, which he appears to be doing very well, and to get home and be able to do some fun things that he would like to do. We've got to get some strength back in his legs so he can help transfer from bed to chair, etc--I hope they will do some PT this week before he is discharged. I have pretty much given up exercise for now in order to be able to spend time up here. I strongly doubt that I will be running a marathon in four weeks but we shall see. I had hoped to get up this morning and run 10 miles by myself but the rack monster had a very strong hold on me! I wish I could have come to the marathon meeting to see if I could help but I was too exhausted to be able to be able to hold myself together. I wish I could be a fly on the wall and see all of your faces when you cross the finish line!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Neighborhood run today
I don't know if it was because I have not done anything since last Thursday or because I was in the "Tilling Up Asphalt" mode from running in my neighborhood alone, but today's run was not pretty nor would I necessarily call it a "run". But I did get out and do something which was very good for my marathon world psyche. I felt weak and out of shape which also could be from lack of sleep, peace, and enough food to eat. I have not had much appetite for the past several days, as you can imagine. Only in times of immense stress am I not constantly ravenous. But, the run sort of made me start eating again so that is good, too! I hope I can manage a run on Saturday. The only good thing about him being in ICU is that I would not feel guilty about leaving him as I could only visit him every 4 hours but, hopefully, he should be out of ICU by Saturday morning. It does feel a little cooler outside--HALLELUJAH!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
In absentia
Well, I don't have much time to even read your blogs right now so will have to encourage everybody all at once on here! We're almost there to our goal. I am exhausted emotionally and physically and have little internet access for now. My brother has a tumor in his small bowel and is going to have a Whipple procedure done on Wednesday so please keep praying! At least now we know why he has been going downhill so quickly the last few months. Right now I am his security blanket, personal aid, etc so I can't even get to work very much. And, I have not been able to exercise either so I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to do a marathon on October 7th but we shall see. I had hoped to get up and come run 10 on Saturday morning but was afraid to leave him in the hospital as he needs so much help getting up to go to the bathroom. I considered getting up this morning to go as I got my sister to come down here to take turns spending the night in the hospital but I decided I needed the sleep worse than the run. Sleeping on the couches in hospitals leaves something to be desired. Back and neck hurting from that and from getting brother in and out of bed so many times to go to the bathroom. Run a few extra steps for me this week!!!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Please pray for my brother
Yet another development in my brother's condition. Running test in the morning. Please pray for the best.
Tilling up Asphalt
Someone on here has the name of "Pulling Asphalt". What I did today felt much more like plowing through asphalt or tilling it up, maybe. As much as I enjoy and relish in this training for marathons, I don't like running by myself. I feel like I am pulling a wagon full of trash behind me when I run alone. Sally had an early meeting, Jody is training alone, couldn't find Deb so decided I'd sleep in a little and run in my neighborhood. Managed to get out at 630 rather than the planned 6 am as I was running a little late and then my daughter came outside and asked me to come remove a small snake from the kitchen. One of my alltime favorite things to do as you can imagine. I started out with the noble thought of trying to go back to doing 5:1's no matter how slow I had to run. I made it for almost 2 miles of that and then reset my watch to START OVER at 2:1 intervals. Did a few cycles of that and then decided to walk. Then started running on the 1's and finally managed to switch over and run some 2:1's. I'm still tired and sore--tired from wedding festivities and sore from running forever on the treadmill and then dancing. One should not dance for hours when one has not danced in over a year! I feel like I have whiplash but all over my body! But, I managed to do my run outside for the first time in a week. I'll be running inside in Bham on Thursday and back with you guys on Saturday--thank the good Lord because I need to feel the strength of you running with me. I can't decide about whether to try to do the course twice or not. I'd have to start at 4 am and am leery of that. And, leery of being able to finish in time to get cleaned up and at the temple for the Bat Mitzvah. And just remembered that I am a greeter that morning so I'm supposed to be early. That may be my sign that I should only do 10, huh? My plantar fasciitis foot feels better so maybe not doing a long run for a while is for the best.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm back and way behind on reading your blogs!
What a wonderful wedding we had. It was beautiful and fun. And I'm exhausted but back to reality. I did manage to exercise some. I feel like we've come too far for me not to try to do something at least every other day. There was no decent place to run from the hotel so I hit the gym on Thursday morning. It got hot in there on the treadmill and I realized that it was 63 degrees outside so I went outside and walked the perimeter of the parking lot to get full enjoyment of the weather up there. My legs were sore that day from getting used to the treadmill so I didn't go very far and did no running outside. I think I did nothing on Friday. I listened to no one including my son and his now new wife, and I got up and exercised on Saturday. My ex's girlfriend runs 5 to 15 miles on the treadmill so I was determined to get in a decent workout. I slept 2 of the nights in the room with my brother so I could help him during the night if he needed me and so I could have my own bed and have the tv on all night--my daughters got there on Friday and like to sleep in the dark! And, I woke up at 6 am so I went on down to the exercise room. Well, I decided to try to get close to running 10 on the treadmill. I got on and off several times for bathroom and water breaks and for stretching and lost track of the mileage so I decided to aim for 2 hours. And, I did it!!!!! I was tired and sore but happy that I got it in. But then, as the day wore on, and I was exhausted and sleepy I began to regret my choice but there's no taking back having done something that dumb. What kept me going was the fact that I knew my son would be so disappointed in me if I ran out of steam. So, I passed my sleepy spell, got dressed and ready and enjoyed everything except having to stand through the whole ceremony. On the pulpit, with sore feet. In dressy shoes. Thought I might faint but one of the groomsmen did that for me instead, poor guy. And, I danced the night away that night with an awesome band. So, I decided that late Saturday night's dancing counted as Sunday's crosstraining so I am doing good! I'm glad you guys have your 20 under your belt--I wish mine was. We've almost reached our goal, can you believe it????
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Supa Carol is melting, melting
Lovely Debra, FStop on her, has given me the new name of Supa Carol. She, Sally, and I met at 6 am for our usual wog. Mind you, I said SIX am which was supposedly a treat. Except for the heat. Or either I'm just getting wimpier and wimpier. Now, I gotta tell you guys that Deb can walk faster than anyone I've every walked with. In fact, I'm not sure that she doesn't walk faster than she runs!!! I must have gone out too fast because I got pooped VERY quickly. We were doing 2:1's and I tend to go too fast on the run part of that since I don't have to be able to go 5 minutes like I usually torture myself to do. On the way back from Campfire, I considered stopping and sitting down, I was so hot and out of breath. Finally, I went into the Chevron bathroom and used my Propel cap to put water on top of my head. Which made me feel better although my legs were still spent when I went back out. So, two tough runs in a row make me think I'm like the witch in the Wizard of Oz who melted when she got wet! Not sure how much I'll run in New York but I'm taking my stuff. Hope to do a couple of 5 mile runs on Thursday and Saturday but not sure I'll have the time or the gumption to go by myself. I will pray for all of you running in this awful heat on Saturday. Do take it easy and drink plenty before, during , and after. I actually think I may have been a little behind on fluids today which may have been part of my problem. I drank a glass of wine last night before bed rather than a glass of water!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Oh boy, oh boy, Sally was wrong about the 22 miler!!!!
What a relief. Sally thought that the 22 miler was on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday on which we fast both food and water so we were going to have to figure out a way to do it by ourselves on another day. But, I just looked at the schedule, and she was wrong. I'm sure for the first time in her life!!!! But, the 22 miler is on the Saturday in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur so we can do it with you guys! I am SO relieved because I've had to run just one too many long runs on my own. I only have so much will power and drive and wasn't sure I could push myself that far. Doing 20 with Paula on the day that you guys only have to do 10 may take all of the strength and willpower that I have in me! So, now, we can all suffer together on the 22 miler. Let's all be praying for a cold front or some unseasonably cool weather!
I rode my bike alone today at the Rez. Usually I won't go to the trouble to rack it up and take it somewhere just to ride by myself but I did today. It was nice but sometimes scary on the Campfire Circle/Waterwood leg as there are so many intersecting roads where cars can be zooming along crossing the path. There was a great breeze over the Causeway which appears to usually be absent when we are running! In fact, it was so strong on the way back to Lakeshore that I had to battle it as I pedaled along. Go figure--will it be there when we need it on the 20 or the 22 miler????? Then I went to choir practice all sweaty and nasty but I got my crosstraining in and now I'm at work. Procrastinating as I am writing and checking blogs rather than working!
I rode my bike alone today at the Rez. Usually I won't go to the trouble to rack it up and take it somewhere just to ride by myself but I did today. It was nice but sometimes scary on the Campfire Circle/Waterwood leg as there are so many intersecting roads where cars can be zooming along crossing the path. There was a great breeze over the Causeway which appears to usually be absent when we are running! In fact, it was so strong on the way back to Lakeshore that I had to battle it as I pedaled along. Go figure--will it be there when we need it on the 20 or the 22 miler????? Then I went to choir practice all sweaty and nasty but I got my crosstraining in and now I'm at work. Procrastinating as I am writing and checking blogs rather than working!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Running in Clinton Kicks my Butt!!!
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm one of those who runs at the Rez sometimes on Saturday when the runs are "short". Mark's blog guilted me into coming to Clinton today--I think I have only run one other time in Clinton this year. I was whipped when I finished and not too pretty during the run! Couldn't even keep up with 2:1 intervals, I guess due to the hills and the heat. I think the Clinton 9 miles is a much bigger workout than the Reservoir due to the hills. So, if I ever plan to do a marathon that is not flat (I hope I don't ever do that), I'll have to make sure to do all my runs in Clinton to get ready! I got home feeling exhausted so bathed and got in bed. Napped for a while and got up at noon refreshed and ready to run errands and come to work. I'm still sleepy though but will try to plod through some work as I'm gonna miss lot of days in this pay period.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Various and sundry--brother and running to breathing pace
Thanks to all of you for good wishes for my brother. Who, by the way, was here today to see the endocrinologist. Can't keep a good man down for long. Refused to take the Demerol in the pump at the hospital as he wanted to "tough it out". Says he is going to the wedding even if he's on a stretcher. Dr. Dyess seemed happy that he was going to the wedding and to England and gave us tips for dealing with the insulin on a trip. He is weak but determined so I say, go for it. We did go and find him a small, light, wheeled carry-on bag for his insulin and paraphernalia. At least some people get to take what they need on a plane!!!!
And, Lisa, as to the cadence of running and breathing. Paid attention this morning, and, actually, I run two steps as I breath in and two as I breath out when in steady state, ie no steep hills or severe gasping due to heat and/or fatigue!!!!! It is annoying but unavoidable for me now that I know that I take about 88 times 4 steps per 2 minutes. I count as I go, 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, etc, ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Rarely, my music will stop me from this or a running partner will distract me but otherwise, I'm off to Number Land. One song I had on my player was actually at the correct pace for me but I don't know the name of it!
And, Lisa, as to the cadence of running and breathing. Paid attention this morning, and, actually, I run two steps as I breath in and two as I breath out when in steady state, ie no steep hills or severe gasping due to heat and/or fatigue!!!!! It is annoying but unavoidable for me now that I know that I take about 88 times 4 steps per 2 minutes. I count as I go, 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, etc, ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Rarely, my music will stop me from this or a running partner will distract me but otherwise, I'm off to Number Land. One song I had on my player was actually at the correct pace for me but I don't know the name of it!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
ONE sock for $35?????????
Okay, I ordered the Strassburg sock for help with plantar fasciitis because Fleet Feet did not have the regular size. The package came today and I brought it into the room to put on to go to bed. Opened the package, read the directions, and turned around to put the other one. There ain't no other one!!!!! I'm not thinking I would have bought this had I known I only got ONE sock!!!! But, on the good side, I only have plantar fasciitis in the right foot so it should work. If I can stand it. I'm not sure I can sleep with it on. I am aware that it has my foot cocked back a little and I do feel a tiny pull on my plantar fascia. In the front part closer to my toes where it was NOT hurting until I put the sock on. I'm not thinking I'll make it too long in this tonight. Maybe I'll work into it--30 minutes tonight, an hour tomorrow night, etc.
My brother begged out of the hospital this morning. His back still hurts but he wanted to make it to his endocrinologist appointment here in Jackson this morning. Little did he know that my oldest brother had cancelled his appointment thinking he'd never make it. So, he's coming tomorrow morning and I'm gonna meet him there at 10 am. So much for my pre-wedding manicure and pedicure but that can wait. I did manage to get the hair all done up today--haircut, etc. so I'm on the way to trying to look better than I do when you guys see me at 5 in the morning.
Wog on, my friends. And here's to the healing of Jana's leg and foot and Scotty's leg, too. And anybody else's aches and pains as well.
My brother begged out of the hospital this morning. His back still hurts but he wanted to make it to his endocrinologist appointment here in Jackson this morning. Little did he know that my oldest brother had cancelled his appointment thinking he'd never make it. So, he's coming tomorrow morning and I'm gonna meet him there at 10 am. So much for my pre-wedding manicure and pedicure but that can wait. I did manage to get the hair all done up today--haircut, etc. so I'm on the way to trying to look better than I do when you guys see me at 5 in the morning.
Wog on, my friends. And here's to the healing of Jana's leg and foot and Scotty's leg, too. And anybody else's aches and pains as well.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
New mode of dehydration
Deb and I wogged at the Rez at 6 am this morning--was wonderful to go a little later and have some daylight but, boy, was there traffic on the way home! Then, I started on the weekly Mowing of the Yard, knowing I was only going to do half due to time and heat constraints. Had my usual cantankerous mower problems and the weedeater is still on the blink. Then I got a phone call that they put my brother in the hospital today. So, while I was pouring sweat mowing, I was sobbing also. Was a good way to help deal with frustration though. He is so weak that every little action of daily life that we take for granted like getting up out of a chair and down into a chair and in and out of a car is an ordeal. His back was hurting him yesterday and he called for some medication but this morning when my nephew went to get him/help him, he must have been really bad because my nephew took him straight to the hospital. I would take this a lot better other than the fact that I am leaving next Wednesday for the wedding, and my brother is supposed to go with me so I can take care of him. Since he has no kids of his own, all of his nieces and nephews have been his kids, and he has spoiled them rotten. So they all love him to death, and we all are going to be so sad if he can't come. And, he has a trip to England planned at the end of the month with two of his good friends that I really wanted him to be able to make as I don't think he is going to be able to travel much more. Again, I say, let us all say thanks to God for the ability and privilege to be able to train for this marathon.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Change to my blog template
I just found a picture from 2005 and posted it so you guys can compare the clothing I had on for teh 2005 and 2006 marathon. Take clothes for any kind of weather although you will be able to watch the forecast the week before you leave and have a pretty good idea as to what temperature and conditions you should expect!!! I was down to my sleeveless shirt only before the end in 2005. By choice! Pin your number on your shorts leg so you can wear as many shirts as you want and take them off!
Back from the Delta
Spent about 24 hours back in my hometown in Cleveland. My bro and I did a grocery store run and then took some food over to my mother's and cooked supper. But, just for us as she got my message confused and had already eaten. Her two blades of grass as I describe it. Now, most everyone in my family LOVES to eat. My mother and I included. I have vivid memories standing over a carton of vanilla ice cream as a child/teenager with my mother and polishing it off in one sitting/standing!!! But now, she eats less than a bird. So little that I do not know how she can subsist. But, I think she may get up during the night and bust into the junk food. And maybe she eats cookies and cake. But, I figure, at 97 years old, you ought to be able to eat whatever you want, huh? This morning, I took my brother to his PT session, then went by the car dealership to have my left blinker light fixed--having a family dealership in a small town is an awesome way to quickly deal with a car problem. And to trust what they say about a tire rod being loose or something. Then we went to drop pants to be altered, then to Neysa's shop, then back to dealership to fax blood sugars, than back to Merigold to fix and eat lunch. I finally got on the road about 2 pm--only four hours later than planned!!!! But I do enjoy the ride up there and back sometimes--I like looking at the open land, and the crops, and all the farm equipment. There was a LONG line of tractors pulling loads of cotton waiting to be waited on at the gym--I wished Deb was there to get a picture of that. Enough rambling. Although I did carry my bike up there, I decided sleeping in this morning was much more therapeutic than any exercise would be! I love sleeping in a Murphy bed.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bruised feet syndrome
Okay, I've been trying to ignore it, but I'm getting the old generalized bone bruised feeling feet again but I'm trying to tell them to shut up. I did wear new shoes today but I still feel some pain but it isn't unbearable but I, of course, am medicated with my Relafen. Thank goodness for heavy duty anti-inflammatories!!!! And, speaking of heavy duty, I went to Sal Liz to try out some new heavy duty undergarments--don't want to embarrass you guys, but, if you can mentions bleeding nipples, who could be embarrassed???? So, I now have two new suits of armor to run in and they saw the damage that the bra I bought last year did to some of my lovely parts so they know I wasn't lying!!!!
I'm very happy to have now found a partner to do the 20 miler with--Paula! She can't do it on the 25th either so we are going to do it on the next Saturday when you guys get to do 10. We'll just do your 10 mile route twice from Fleet Feet. Ugggh. I have a mental block against repeating but this is better than doing 20 all alone with no water stops and no one to look at for five or more hours!!!! We probably will start at 4 am so that there may still be water out for most of our run--maybe we'll take some steroids so we can be REAL fast and make sure we have water! Maybe it will be good for my poor pitiful feet to get an extra week without the long mileage. We'll see whether I manage to do a ten miler in NY the morning of the wedding. I'm seriously doubting it but I think God will forgive for missing this day of my training. And, I had to miss many of the Saturday runs last year, and I don't think I've had to miss one yet this year.
You guys looked great out there today and I thank all of you who let me run with you today. Christa, Shelllie, and Christy--did I get your names right? I especially thank you for letting me tag along with you guys so that I would not be alone in the big bad woods in the dark. And I loved my yummy breakfast at Beagle Bagel. I got to get the cheese melt today which looked good the last time I was there when I had the peanut butter on the cinnamon raisin bagel which was awesome, huh Deb? I think I am a food addict because I love it so much!
I'm very happy to have now found a partner to do the 20 miler with--Paula! She can't do it on the 25th either so we are going to do it on the next Saturday when you guys get to do 10. We'll just do your 10 mile route twice from Fleet Feet. Ugggh. I have a mental block against repeating but this is better than doing 20 all alone with no water stops and no one to look at for five or more hours!!!! We probably will start at 4 am so that there may still be water out for most of our run--maybe we'll take some steroids so we can be REAL fast and make sure we have water! Maybe it will be good for my poor pitiful feet to get an extra week without the long mileage. We'll see whether I manage to do a ten miler in NY the morning of the wedding. I'm seriously doubting it but I think God will forgive for missing this day of my training. And, I had to miss many of the Saturday runs last year, and I don't think I've had to miss one yet this year.
You guys looked great out there today and I thank all of you who let me run with you today. Christa, Shelllie, and Christy--did I get your names right? I especially thank you for letting me tag along with you guys so that I would not be alone in the big bad woods in the dark. And I loved my yummy breakfast at Beagle Bagel. I got to get the cheese melt today which looked good the last time I was there when I had the peanut butter on the cinnamon raisin bagel which was awesome, huh Deb? I think I am a food addict because I love it so much!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I have sinned yet again
Okay, somehow I got in a little funk today at work. So, after having a nice grilled chicken salad with diet dressing for lunch, I hit the junk food machines about 5 pm. A large pack of sugar wafers followed by a big bag of peanuts. This was after an earlier bag of microwave popcorn which I called carbo loading. Then, I got an ice cream craving. I had text messaged my daughter to see if she was going to temple knowing we'd go out for dinner afterwards and she never answered. So, after the cookies and peanuts (and the popcorn), I left work briefly to go to Cold Stone Creamery and got the largest size cup of something sinful with coffee ice cream, peanut butter, pecans, and some other good stuff. But, I felt a bit gross afterwards, maybe needing a shot of insulin???? And, I'm not diabetic. Yet. So, we shall see what sort of running experience, in the dark, in the heat, that I have tomorrow.
I'm thinking I may have to start going to Cleveland, Mississippi that is, each weekend to check on things, so yoga may be out of the picture, and also Monday morning lawn mowing, but we shall see. I have enjoyed all the me time I've had these past 2 or 3 years but it may be time to think about others first for a little while. I may even have to move up there but I'm going to postpone that until after the Jewish holidays in September and after the marathon in October if at all possible. I'm afraid I won't be too accountable just to myself to exercise and train for marathons but maybe I will if I can blog with you guys and join a gym up there. Who knows???
I'm thinking I may have to start going to Cleveland, Mississippi that is, each weekend to check on things, so yoga may be out of the picture, and also Monday morning lawn mowing, but we shall see. I have enjoyed all the me time I've had these past 2 or 3 years but it may be time to think about others first for a little while. I may even have to move up there but I'm going to postpone that until after the Jewish holidays in September and after the marathon in October if at all possible. I'm afraid I won't be too accountable just to myself to exercise and train for marathons but maybe I will if I can blog with you guys and join a gym up there. Who knows???
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Nice change of scenery, don't lift full coolers
Jody and I had a nice walk through Belhaven and walked up to Fondren to see his potential new house. We walked a little ways and ran a little and even got told hello by a fellow Marathon Makeover person--Merrill McKewen--I think I mispelled both of her names. Then I came home to gather up all the stuff I made for snacks/dinner for the board meeting at the temple tonight. This included a loaded cooler with ice and drinks which I had no choice but to lift by myself up into my van. Actually, one of my neighbors was out across the street and I should have asked her but I didn't. Thank goodness our custodian was available when I got to temple to help me get it out!
I think I might order some Strassburg socks today to see if that helps with my plantar fasciitis. They only have the large ones at Fleet Feet and they are too big for my darling, petite little legs and feet--hah, my feet are bigger than some men that I know! I also encourage the ones of you whose feet are hurting to consider new shoes. If they hurt from blisters, that's one thing, but if you just have generalized pain, your shoes might be worn out again! I have bought some new ones that I am holding as long as I can before I wear them, but I got them out of the box and looked at the bottom of them and at the bottom of the old ones, and I could see a LOT of wear on the old ones. And my feet are beginning to be sore in various places, sort of like bone bruises, sort of like they began to feel last year before the marathon where I ended up with a stress fracture. So, BE KIND TO YOUR FEET as we have three more really long runs--20, 22, and 26.2!!!!
I think I might order some Strassburg socks today to see if that helps with my plantar fasciitis. They only have the large ones at Fleet Feet and they are too big for my darling, petite little legs and feet--hah, my feet are bigger than some men that I know! I also encourage the ones of you whose feet are hurting to consider new shoes. If they hurt from blisters, that's one thing, but if you just have generalized pain, your shoes might be worn out again! I have bought some new ones that I am holding as long as I can before I wear them, but I got them out of the box and looked at the bottom of them and at the bottom of the old ones, and I could see a LOT of wear on the old ones. And my feet are beginning to be sore in various places, sort of like bone bruises, sort of like they began to feel last year before the marathon where I ended up with a stress fracture. So, BE KIND TO YOUR FEET as we have three more really long runs--20, 22, and 26.2!!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
It's even hot in the swimming pool!!!!
Wednesday is usually swim day for me although I almost bagged it for yoga. But, I went and did my weights and went out to the pool. I stuck my foot in and it was almost as warm as bath water! So, I walked in to the indoor lap pool, hoping it would be cooler, and, of couse, it wasn't. It is only cool if it is winter or if they just changed out the water. So, back outside I went and got in my usual lane. It was so hot after one lap that I decided to go to the other side of the pool which is shadier to see if that made any difference. Not much. I almost decided to stop at 12 laps but then I remembered about all that heat that you lose from your head. So, I took off my swim cap which made a HUGE difference. However, there was hair everywhere but I dealt with it. Most of you probably haven't seen my hair down but it is pretty long and feels yucky when it is wet and clinging to the shoulders and getting in your eyes. But, I did it and I always feel better about myself when I manage to get in some sort of exercise in a day. I brought my yoga stuff to work in hopes that I get enough work done to leave here and come to that, too, because I thought the stretching there was very helpful to all of the sore and creaking parts of me that I have. I'm dreading the 20 miler alone already but have planned out my route and hope to get Jody and Sally to distribute many bottles of water and Propel all over creation at the reservoir so I can drink some of them and pour the others on top of my head!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Be Kind to Carol Week
Well, I usually push myself to the ultimate brink--of disaster, usually!!!! But, I don't think my leg muscles had fully recovered from the 16 miler in time for the 18 miler. I put on a thigh wrap on my right thigh which helped a lot but my muscles were and still are very tired, including my back. Just general fatigue. So, guess what I did today???? I walked rather than ran which felt REAL good. So, you guys that are still feeling sore and tired, take it a little easier this week than usual and don't feel guilty about it. If you had run a long race, you'd be taking a few days off so just go easy on yourself, if you can. And I'm not one who usually does that but I do think that, if you push yourself when you know your muscles are still sore and fatigued from your last run, your potential for causing more harm than good is pretty high. Just my humble opinion but I do have a couple of years experience of debilitating myself under my belt because I would NOT slow down or miss any workouts. So, Thursday Jody and I are going to meet in Belhaven at New Stage for a change of scenery at 530 am. We probably will walk and I won't run ahead since I won't know where I'm going! So, Saturday may be the next time that I run, believe it or not.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I am sad--last long run with the group
My schedule has not jived with the group long runs very well this year. Since I've had to do several of them alone, I think some of you might think that I LIKE doing them by myself. WRONG!!!!!! I knew I had to do the 15 in Dallas and the 16 in NY by myself. And I know that the 20 miler is on the day of my son's wedding in NYC. So I may have to do that one on a weekday by myself. But, Sally just pointed out to me last night that the 22 miler is on Yom Kippur! Which, for those of you who don't know, is an important Jewish holiday which requires not only being in services all day but involves fasting for food and liquids!!!!! So, needless to say, I'll be doing that one on another day, too. And I truly love having you guys around me as I /we suffer through running forever and ever. And, so far, I have never managed to be able to get to the party we have after the marathon is over so I'm doubly sad. And, Onetta, I didn't pass you twice I don't think--I was just running the route backwards since I started early. I was "ahead" because I started an hour early to try to beat the heat--it was muggy that first hour but I wasn't horribly hot during this run. Either not running in that last hot hour or the pouring of the water over my head did the trick. And what is a HoverRound????
And, newsflash, Carol has exited the bed! I got up around 10 am and bathed and got dressed. Am at work for a little while. Hoping to get to the yoga class. Slowly re-entering the land of the living!
And, newsflash, Carol has exited the bed! I got up around 10 am and bathed and got dressed. Am at work for a little while. Hoping to get to the yoga class. Slowly re-entering the land of the living!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I hope I'm still behind/ahead on calories
I cannot seem to put enough food in my mouth. I remain in PJ's and in bed except to go get food. And lots of it. Just now finished the last four blue Sport Beans left in the bag from this morning. This follows one gel, one bag of Bloks, and half of one Power Bar eaten during the run. Ate the other half during the cold plunge. Then had turkey sandwich after the Endurox. Bag of popcorn, bag of Sunchips. TONS of leftover candy--Halloween candy from last year, desperation. One low fat ice cream bar, one diet coke float with lowfat vanilla ice cream. Two clementines. One heated up from freezer pasta dish with chicken and spinach--I don't remember making it or freezing it but too tired to get dressed and go get something else to eat. Just made cheese nachos and ate those. Hopefully the Sport Beans are the last thing to go in my mouth tonight. No wonder I don't lose weight from running, huh? But, the muscle soreness is leaving me and I am feeling good now. And not sleepy since I have dozed off and on all day. Sorry I missed the party but I'm not sure I could have come without a walker or a wheelchair and a driver!
I'm not a couch potato
Nope, not a couch potato but a bed potato! Still in bed. Only getting up for bathroom and food breaks. And hitting the bottle, water bottle that is. In bed with me and my laptop. I felt so good during the run that I'm surprised at how sore and debilitated I am. Sort of feels like the way I felt after finishing the marathon!!!! I even skipped my Crestor dose on Thursday to help me get through today. And got permission from my doctor to stop the Crestor for a couple of weeks before the marathon. (Crestor is my cholesterol medication and it causes muscle soreness). I am watching Animal Planet now, having watched reruns on CNN ad infinitum. I think that there might be a cruelty to humans group that might want to arrest someone for letting me get to this state but they'd be surprised to find out that I am the one to blame! I was planning on going in to work today but I think the Rack Monster is winning. I can't decide where I'd like to trough down for dinner. I'm too exhausted to come to the party, I think. Can't cook anything and don't think I can drive for 30 minutes and stand up and be sociable. Maybe I can call for delivery of butt? So I can judge for myself which is best?
And, another thing I learned after today's run. You should have a designated driver to drive you home after a long run, started way too early in the morning, and augmented by a couple of tiny doses of muscle relaxant along the way! I was very sleepy driving home. Kept sipping on the Monster drink to help keep me up. With the caffeine and the overly sweet taste, I thought the sips would jolt me awake but it was a struggle.
I'm wishing now I had picked up a map so I could come to the party even though I don't have anything to bring!
And, another thing I learned after today's run. You should have a designated driver to drive you home after a long run, started way too early in the morning, and augmented by a couple of tiny doses of muscle relaxant along the way! I was very sleepy driving home. Kept sipping on the Monster drink to help keep me up. With the caffeine and the overly sweet taste, I thought the sips would jolt me awake but it was a struggle.
I'm wishing now I had picked up a map so I could come to the party even though I don't have anything to bring!
Things Learned During Today's Run
1. It does NOT feel cooler at 4 am. In fact, the air is still and thick, not to mention that you cannot begin to see where you are going!
2. The gates to LakeShore are not really locked--the chain is just looped around and the lock is hanging there.
3. You can simulate being able to jump into a swimming pool every four miles by pouring cold water on the top of your head at each water stop. This helped me more than anything I have ever done on a long run. Although I hear that we ran out of water, and I spologize. But I'll have to do it again next time.
4. Running the route backwards lets you get to say good morning to almost everyone who is doing the run--and also some who are not with your group and think you are crazy.
5. Having a good run and not hurting too badly during does not mean that you will feel perky afterwards--I remain in bed in my pajamas as I am typing. Almost too sore to get up and fix myself a sandwich!
6. No telilng how much I would be hurting if I hadn't done the cold plunge and had the yummy chocolate Endurox. Now, I love taking a nice hot bath so getting in my bathtub with iced down water did NOT seem inviting, but I did it.
7. The greatest thing about running 18 miles is how relieved you feel when it is over.
8. Even your bestest MM friends laugh at you when you wear a head light.
9. It is difficult, if not impossible, to see and find the water stations in the dark.
10. One day I am going to knock someone riding their bike down and steal it during the midst of running double digit miles.
11. I think it is very unfair of marathon officials to ban music during marathon runs. It is hard to keep oneself entertained for 5 or 6 or more hours while torturing yourself.
12. Something is going to hurt during a long run. If it's not your legs or your feet or your toes, it's your back.
13. We need a team of masseuses at end of every long run.
14. I am brain dead and can't think of lots of the other clever things that ran through my head during the run!
15. I thought I could lie in bed and make some jewelry I need to make but I'm too tired to even do that.
16. One should have lots of groceries in the house before you go out on a long run because you don't feel like going to a restaurant or to the grocery afterwards.
17. Some people can walk as fast as I can run. And walk lots faster than I can walk.
18. I am capable of eating a sport jelly bean that has been on the ground/bridge. But, I saw Donna drop it and it met the 5 second rule and I had not tasted that flavor and it was good.
19. Gels would taste better cold, like pudding. Maybe.
20. I think I'll bring teddy grahams next time.
21. Sushi is a good pre-long run meal as my stomach has done okay twice after having that.
22. I am jealous of the women who can run in their sport bras without a shirt and truly envious that guys can run without a shirt at all. Discrimination, I think.
23. People should have sprinklers running and pointed out to the street to keep us cool. And their should be nice, air conditioned bathrooms all along the way.
2. The gates to LakeShore are not really locked--the chain is just looped around and the lock is hanging there.
3. You can simulate being able to jump into a swimming pool every four miles by pouring cold water on the top of your head at each water stop. This helped me more than anything I have ever done on a long run. Although I hear that we ran out of water, and I spologize. But I'll have to do it again next time.
4. Running the route backwards lets you get to say good morning to almost everyone who is doing the run--and also some who are not with your group and think you are crazy.
5. Having a good run and not hurting too badly during does not mean that you will feel perky afterwards--I remain in bed in my pajamas as I am typing. Almost too sore to get up and fix myself a sandwich!
6. No telilng how much I would be hurting if I hadn't done the cold plunge and had the yummy chocolate Endurox. Now, I love taking a nice hot bath so getting in my bathtub with iced down water did NOT seem inviting, but I did it.
7. The greatest thing about running 18 miles is how relieved you feel when it is over.
8. Even your bestest MM friends laugh at you when you wear a head light.
9. It is difficult, if not impossible, to see and find the water stations in the dark.
10. One day I am going to knock someone riding their bike down and steal it during the midst of running double digit miles.
11. I think it is very unfair of marathon officials to ban music during marathon runs. It is hard to keep oneself entertained for 5 or 6 or more hours while torturing yourself.
12. Something is going to hurt during a long run. If it's not your legs or your feet or your toes, it's your back.
13. We need a team of masseuses at end of every long run.
14. I am brain dead and can't think of lots of the other clever things that ran through my head during the run!
15. I thought I could lie in bed and make some jewelry I need to make but I'm too tired to even do that.
16. One should have lots of groceries in the house before you go out on a long run because you don't feel like going to a restaurant or to the grocery afterwards.
17. Some people can walk as fast as I can run. And walk lots faster than I can walk.
18. I am capable of eating a sport jelly bean that has been on the ground/bridge. But, I saw Donna drop it and it met the 5 second rule and I had not tasted that flavor and it was good.
19. Gels would taste better cold, like pudding. Maybe.
20. I think I'll bring teddy grahams next time.
21. Sushi is a good pre-long run meal as my stomach has done okay twice after having that.
22. I am jealous of the women who can run in their sport bras without a shirt and truly envious that guys can run without a shirt at all. Discrimination, I think.
23. People should have sprinklers running and pointed out to the street to keep us cool. And their should be nice, air conditioned bathrooms all along the way.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Body is creaking
I know, I shouldn't say I'm dreading tomorrow, but I am. I'm considering starting at 4 or 430 to beat some of the heat but I'm not sure which is worse--getting up in the middle of the night or running in temps over 80. And, my back is killing me today. Got up and took 1/4 of a muscle relaxant and went back to sleep for a few minutes but still hurts. Couldn't figure out what made it happen until I remembered what I did yesterday. Went to temple to drive Meals on Wheels and had a few minutes to spare. A friend of mine was there tutoring someone in Hebrew and her precious baby was there, too. I held her for about 15 minutes, and I'm a little out of shape for holding plump little 9 month olds. I can't think of anything else that could have cranked this up. I hope it feels better by tomorrow or maybe I'll have an excuse not to do it! But, I can't do the 20 miler with you guys because of the wedding. Anyone else want to run 20 miles on the Monday or Tuesday after the 25th????
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
XT today was going to the doctor!
I forgot that I had a lab appointment last week and big checkup this morning and had mucho things scheduled for today. Went to trainer at 6 am (uggh), showered at gym (uggh2), and went and had lab drawn. Then saw the doctor at 9 and then went home to feed the hungry doggies. Then had to go back home and meet the airconditioner repairman to fix upstairs AC. Which, of course, went on the blink just days after the one year warranty expired. Have choir practice tonight and then will come back to work--trying to make a living. My XT today consisted of three minutes on the elliptical which is just about how long I LIKE to stay on that machine!
Debra Fergason just sent me a neat link to add to your reader for your blogs from Jeff Gallaway. He has a great piece about running in the heat. Wish we had a swimming pool to dip in somewhere along the way on Saturday!
Debra Fergason just sent me a neat link to add to your reader for your blogs from Jeff Gallaway. He has a great piece about running in the heat. Wish we had a swimming pool to dip in somewhere along the way on Saturday!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Devil's Advocate for Marathon Pace
All things were going well today for the morning run with me--which is unusual, as you know! No blisters, stomach issues, etc. But, it was amazingly hot and muggy to me which really affected my ability to run and breath. I have been doing 5:1's for several months and I truly struggled to do 2:1's. Which brings me to my next point. Marathon pace in Mississippi in August is quite different than what marathon pace might be in Chicago in October. So, if you've set your goal for some particular pace for Chicago, don't be disappointed if you can't push yourself to do it here or even to do it 2 minutes per mile slower. I truly think some of us may have a heatstroke on the 18 miler if we push ourselves hard. In fact, I think Clark, the Butt Man might oughtta bring a few bags of IV solution to have on hand just in case!
Now you guys know why I was so FOR training for a marathon in January. I would MUCH prefer my long runs be in October, November, and December, even factoring in the cold. So, my message is, do NOT try to run 18 miles FAST this Saturday unless the temperature and humidity are lots better than they were today!
Now you guys know why I was so FOR training for a marathon in January. I would MUCH prefer my long runs be in October, November, and December, even factoring in the cold. So, my message is, do NOT try to run 18 miles FAST this Saturday unless the temperature and humidity are lots better than they were today!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Carol's new walking buddies
I used to walk with my friend Julie at the mall on Mondays but she has been sick for the last couple of months so I mainly have mowed the grass instead. Or gone and walked at 645 am with two other friends. But, I forgot to call them last night to see if they were walking so I decided to walk with my dogs this morning. My daughter, Kilby, has been doing this as the vet says that all three of them are too fat. She usually take the two younger ones first for a long walk and then comes back and takes the old girl, Aspen, next for a shorter one. This makes Aspen SO mad that she usually produces an accident for Kilby to clean up in the house when she gets back. Kilby is out of town so I decided to be nice to the doggies. So, I took Aspen first so I would not get a surprise from her ire at having to wait her turn. Went 0.8 miles with her and at a pleasant pace. Got back, and hitched up the one year old puppies on one leash--have a splitter that goes to each collar. Whoa, baby, they almost had me airborn!!!!! The two of them together weigh about as much as I do so I wasn't too good at pulling them back speedwise. But, after a little while, they slowed up to smell anything and everything along the way. And to get tangled up in the splitter part of the leash or to get ME tangled up in the splitter. I'm sure I was the entertainment of the neighborhood. And, they were dragging on the way back so I kept trying to manage to pour water into their mouths from my water bottle which seemed to choke them. I think it took us an hour and a half to go about 3.5 miles!!!!
I mowed the grass in stages over the weekend due to heat and overheating of mower. It was hot as Hades on Sunday for sure--I almost gave out before I could finish. I do NOT see how people mow in the afternoon, or, even worse, run in the afternoon!!!!
I mowed the grass in stages over the weekend due to heat and overheating of mower. It was hot as Hades on Sunday for sure--I almost gave out before I could finish. I do NOT see how people mow in the afternoon, or, even worse, run in the afternoon!!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Another Saturday under our belts
I was lazy and ran at the Rez today. You see, I can sleep 30 minutes longer if I do that and every second of sleep counts! I missed getting to see everyone though so I look forward to THAT part of next week. Cannot say that I relish running 18 but I will be happy about it when I'm finished, right???? And so will you guys. I had a bad run today. Plan was to run from Usual spot at Lakeshore to Foxbay and back. Forgot to think about bathrooms, and my stomach decided to act up. So, I tried to visit the firemen but they appeared to be sleeping, and I didn't want to wake them up so I went into the woods. Still not feeling great so, I decided to turn around and go back to Lakeshore. When I got to the Boat Dock Road (?Fannin Landing), I realized that THAT bathroom was actually closer so I walked down to that one. Mind you I did a LOT of walking as I can't run when my stomach is talking to me. Then I ran some and met up with Sally on the Causeway over the water. She had a blister and was walking so I decided that I should keep her company and walk some more. Actually, walking felt great to my legs so maybe this will make me stronger for next week's run. Or, maybe I should just walk more and forget this !@#@#$%#$ running!!!! Came home and mowed til the lawnmower screamed and smoked for mercy and went dead. Then edged some and used the blower. Not even 1/3 through but at least I got started. Now at work and the blankity blank air conditioner is on the blink. But, at least I'm somewhat accomodated to being hot, huh?
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Day Off
Wow, how good today felt. Not to set the alarm at some ungodly hour. To lounge around in bed til 7 am seemed like sleeping til noon. How rested I feel. Hopefully ready to run tomorrow! I still have to go buy some Powerade as that is the drink of choice at the Twin Cities Marathon. I like the Performance Gatorade but recall having stomach growls from Powerade. But then, I often get stomach growls from most anything I intake while runing, so maybe it will be okay this time. I can't believe we're almost at the end of our training!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hills and Blisters in New York, But It Was COOLER!
What a dummy I am. I wore tennis shoes on the plane to New York to save room in my suitcase. On Saturday, Benjamin and Lauren were going to have a session with the wedding photographer at 3 pm so we went in to be there at 11 for Lauren to get her hair done, have lunch, and then meet photographer at Central Park. We drove in from New York so we had to park the car a pretty long way away from where we were going, 3 different times and places, and walk a lot. Now, I don't mind walking at all but I was DUMB enough to wear flip flops. The minute we started walking, I could tell these shoes were not comfortable but I didn't have any others. They rubbed a blister on top of my right foot, just a little one, but they rubbed a LARGE, tender one on the ball of my left foot.
I drained it Saturday night and found some bandaids and an old corn pad and bandaged it all up Sunday morning. Unfortunately, bandaids on the bottoms of feet running long distances tend to come aloose and move around!!! I knew I probably should not run at all or maybe just do 8 miles. But, most of you who know me from years past know that I am stubborn and a SLAVE to the numbers on my watch!!!!! I was determined to do the 16. Pain or no pain. Lauren planned out a route from her house, an 8 mile route. Plan was that I would stop at the house and refuel/rewater and do the loop again. Well, the air was beautifully cool and dry but there were some SIGNIFICANT hills along the way. And remember, we were staying at her parents' house in the town of Dix HILLS---duh, there were hills! She had said I could vary the route and run most anywhere so, when I realized I had missed one turn but was still very close to the house, I decided not to go back to the house. I didn't want to repeat--I hate repeats of the same route like doing the lake in Clinton more than once. So, on I ran. My foot got sorer, and sorer, and sorer. I could have called my son but I decided that running in pain might be good training for the marathon. What a twisted mind I have. So I ran up a street and then turned on a main thouroughfare. Bathroom stop and water refill at a Dunkin Donuts. Ran for a long time and the businesses got a little less impressive as I went along. Boarded up buildings, pawn shops, thrift shops, foreign languages, people aimlessly ambling about. People going into closed businesses and coming out---? drug deals--would I even recognize that if I saw it???? I didn't want to turn around until I was at 10.75 because I thought that would put me at 16 getting back to her house but at 9.99 miles I decided running alone in a sketchy part of town probably was NOT wise. So, I turned around and ran back forever, past the street I was supposed to turn on. Then I turned back around and turned back the right street but was still not sure whether I was headed back the right way. Intervals were MUCH easier in the cooler air and the first ten miles were done in fine form and style. Doing the marathon shuffle or walking after that. When that watch said 16.00 miles, I called my son's cell phone and he did NOT answer! So I kept hobbling forward and he finally called just about the time I recognized the street I wanted to turn on. He came and got me and saved me about 3/10's of a mile more--I walked about a half mile extra.
I wasn't as sore after 16 as I was after the 13, thank goodness because we went out on Lauren's parents' sailboat which was delightful. Then we changed clothes and went to a foodtasting at the temple where they are going to be married--Wedding Crashers we were because there was a real wedding going on and we got to sneak in and sample all their food while they were in the ceremony!!!!!
Exhausted today after adventure getting home on the plane, as always. Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!!!
I drained it Saturday night and found some bandaids and an old corn pad and bandaged it all up Sunday morning. Unfortunately, bandaids on the bottoms of feet running long distances tend to come aloose and move around!!! I knew I probably should not run at all or maybe just do 8 miles. But, most of you who know me from years past know that I am stubborn and a SLAVE to the numbers on my watch!!!!! I was determined to do the 16. Pain or no pain. Lauren planned out a route from her house, an 8 mile route. Plan was that I would stop at the house and refuel/rewater and do the loop again. Well, the air was beautifully cool and dry but there were some SIGNIFICANT hills along the way. And remember, we were staying at her parents' house in the town of Dix HILLS---duh, there were hills! She had said I could vary the route and run most anywhere so, when I realized I had missed one turn but was still very close to the house, I decided not to go back to the house. I didn't want to repeat--I hate repeats of the same route like doing the lake in Clinton more than once. So, on I ran. My foot got sorer, and sorer, and sorer. I could have called my son but I decided that running in pain might be good training for the marathon. What a twisted mind I have. So I ran up a street and then turned on a main thouroughfare. Bathroom stop and water refill at a Dunkin Donuts. Ran for a long time and the businesses got a little less impressive as I went along. Boarded up buildings, pawn shops, thrift shops, foreign languages, people aimlessly ambling about. People going into closed businesses and coming out---? drug deals--would I even recognize that if I saw it???? I didn't want to turn around until I was at 10.75 because I thought that would put me at 16 getting back to her house but at 9.99 miles I decided running alone in a sketchy part of town probably was NOT wise. So, I turned around and ran back forever, past the street I was supposed to turn on. Then I turned back around and turned back the right street but was still not sure whether I was headed back the right way. Intervals were MUCH easier in the cooler air and the first ten miles were done in fine form and style. Doing the marathon shuffle or walking after that. When that watch said 16.00 miles, I called my son's cell phone and he did NOT answer! So I kept hobbling forward and he finally called just about the time I recognized the street I wanted to turn on. He came and got me and saved me about 3/10's of a mile more--I walked about a half mile extra.
I wasn't as sore after 16 as I was after the 13, thank goodness because we went out on Lauren's parents' sailboat which was delightful. Then we changed clothes and went to a foodtasting at the temple where they are going to be married--Wedding Crashers we were because there was a real wedding going on and we got to sneak in and sample all their food while they were in the ceremony!!!!!
Exhausted today after adventure getting home on the plane, as always. Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I am RACE READY!!!!! and a reply to Mandy
I am pitiful. I love to run in new running clothes. I guess anything that is motivating is okay???? I have some Race Ready shorts that I got at Fleet Feet two years ago. When I got them, they were tighter than I like and I tried the biggest men's ones they had and they didn't appear to be any roomier so I stuck with the women's ones. They also are a little on the short side for a youngster like me. And, I think they actually have shrunk a little with many washings as I would hope and pray that MY butt has not gotten any bigger in the past 2-3 years with mucho exercise. Also, when the pants are tight, the pockets do not have much room to hold anything or get anything in and out of them! So, I bought two pair of a larger size offered on their website. The plan was to only get a pair of black ones, but the circle ones looked real cute, so I got them. And they are so cute that I wore them today on my run when I didn't even need any pockets! Although, I must say I put my half full Propel bottle in the back pocket while I mowed the backyard before I leave town and that was a big plus. Every time the mower went dead, being choked by the large quantity of Bermuda grass (despite the fact that I just mowed this grass Saturday afternoon!), I had a swig of Propel. And, I ordered some of the Race Ready Tights with pockets--a splurge. But, I like these circle shorts so much that I might just wear plain tights under them in the marathon!!!!
Blogger won't let me make a comment to Mandy so I'll just do it here. With your experience and credentials and personality, you WILL get in to dental school. (You need to find out their application to acceptance rate--I think I read somewhere in the paper that most of the people that apply get in????--I'm not sure. The bigger question is how hard it is going to be to do this with one or more children since you've been talking about having another little cutie. But, once you finish, you probably could tailor your hours around your children's schedules. Once they get into regular school, having time to work gets easier than when they are little. Hopefully you have grandparents around to help do the babysitting!
Blogger won't let me make a comment to Mandy so I'll just do it here. With your experience and credentials and personality, you WILL get in to dental school. (You need to find out their application to acceptance rate--I think I read somewhere in the paper that most of the people that apply get in????--I'm not sure. The bigger question is how hard it is going to be to do this with one or more children since you've been talking about having another little cutie. But, once you finish, you probably could tailor your hours around your children's schedules. Once they get into regular school, having time to work gets easier than when they are little. Hopefully you have grandparents around to help do the babysitting!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I love swimming!!!
Finally, I got to go swimming again. I think I have skipped at least two weeks so it was a treat. Decided to swim longer and skip the weights, don't know why--bored with the weights, maybe???? And I have to do the weights first because who wants to go into the weight room in a wet swimsuit with wet stringy hair? And, if I do weights first, my arms are a little sore and tired when I start swimming. Part of my plan was thwarted though. I have a weird tan on my back from swimming in Speedo swimsuit and a couple of the weird tops I run in. So, because of the wedding and my vanity, I wanted to get rid of the X marks on my back. So, I wore a regular swimsuit with "normal" straps. When I got to the Courhouse, there was a sign on the door saying that the outdoor pool was closed for maintenance!!!! So, I swam indoors which is usually miserably hot in the summer but was nice and cool today. And then I went and laid out for ten minutes on my stomach to get some sun on my back. But, I have noticed the water in the outdoor pool getting murky and gross so I guess it's for the best that they are doing something about it! Computers still screwed up today at work so you guys pray for me that they get fixed or I will have to cancel my trip to NY and work in the office instead this weekend.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Good and the Bad
I'm at work, goofing off now for the past 2.5 hours. All of our work is computerized and the connection to the national Social Security network is messed up. And I do mean MESSED UP BIGTIME! Yesterday it worked slowly and erratically but today it will not work at all. Now, if I was salaried and being paid anyway, I guess I wouldn't mind but I get paid by the piece for each case that I do each day. So I am earning exactly zero dollars today!!!! Just after I mailed all the rehearsal dinner invitations for my son's wedding, here I come and cannot make a living to help pay for this wedding.
Now, for the good. I do love goofing off, especially on the computer. So I've been looking at all of my emails and blogs and websites. Which is fun but even this is getting boring now. And we usually are supposed to limit our time on the internet but I don't think they can say anything to us today. It is weird that the internet works but not the intranet. The intranet is what they call our network with Social Security upon which all of our work and data are stored.
I've read some baby blogs, gone to the John the Penguin site, gone to the best workout music workout site. But, I can't download anything on this computer so can't work on workout music for me. Much more of this and I'll go home and goof off on my own computer!!!!
Did I tell you guys yesterday that I have a new granddog????? I love animals so this makes me happy and I can't wait to get to see him. Problem is, he lives in California with my son and his wife so I may have to wait a while. I am leaving Friday to go to New York to see my other son and his fiance and work out final details on the rehearsal dinner. The game plan is for me to run my 16 miler on Sunday in New York as the timing doesn't work out on Saturday when Benjamin and Lauren are going into town to meet with the photographer to get to know him and then out to lunch. And, of course, Mom would like to tag along. Country girl goes to town!
Now, for the good. I do love goofing off, especially on the computer. So I've been looking at all of my emails and blogs and websites. Which is fun but even this is getting boring now. And we usually are supposed to limit our time on the internet but I don't think they can say anything to us today. It is weird that the internet works but not the intranet. The intranet is what they call our network with Social Security upon which all of our work and data are stored.
I've read some baby blogs, gone to the John the Penguin site, gone to the best workout music workout site. But, I can't download anything on this computer so can't work on workout music for me. Much more of this and I'll go home and goof off on my own computer!!!!
Did I tell you guys yesterday that I have a new granddog????? I love animals so this makes me happy and I can't wait to get to see him. Problem is, he lives in California with my son and his wife so I may have to wait a while. I am leaving Friday to go to New York to see my other son and his fiance and work out final details on the rehearsal dinner. The game plan is for me to run my 16 miler on Sunday in New York as the timing doesn't work out on Saturday when Benjamin and Lauren are going into town to meet with the photographer to get to know him and then out to lunch. And, of course, Mom would like to tag along. Country girl goes to town!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Continuing Lawn Mower Saga and missed my bike ride!
I had a great run yesterday. Felt good and strong and didn't break down along the way except maybe during the long uphill stretch. And, just think, we did 8 instead of 9! Aren't we tough? Wouldn't you know Homer forgot to doublecheck the mileage since he was sidelined with an injury? But we did it and all the better and tougher for it. I felt good yesterday and woke up at 6 this morning disappointed to see the sky and hear the thunder. However, I was very exhausted today and hung in bed for a LONG time. Then, I worked on some wedding stuff, and then I went and bought a new lawnmower since I took the old one to be fixed after the run, got home, and it was worse off than every. The new LawnBoy more is awesome and much easier to push than the other one. I think I'm gonna contact them and suggest a new marketing tool for them! I justified spending the money on my second lawnmower in less than 12 months because it is an cross training tool for me!
I hope I can either ride my bike or swim tomorrow. I have given up running on Mondays as my body can't take running two days in a row.
I hope I can either ride my bike or swim tomorrow. I have given up running on Mondays as my body can't take running two days in a row.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Blog blahs
Mandy says she's having trouble thinking of blogs. It looks like she isn't the only one because there haven't been too many the last couple of days. Maybe we should blog about what we are eating today in preparation for our long run tomorrow! Or what we have planned for the weekend???? Or what we think about, was it Christa, getting thrown off of her own treadmill???? I can't even think of anything to say either--this is getting bad, huh?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Getting ready for cold weather
Now, I'll bet that title gave you a start, didn't it? Meanwhile at least one of us (me) is sweating like a pig on every run she takes. But, I am worrying about what I am going to wear in the Twin Cities Marathon. Sally says it won't be "that" cold because they don't usually have their first frost until Halloween but I am leery of trusting the weather like that. Just thinking of the difference in the temp in the two years I ran Chicago has me pondering what I'm gonna wear. I've run in two or three cold races and I was a little chilly. You don't realize how much ventilation is built into these running shoes until you run in the winter and feel that cold breeze on your toes! And, despite having 5 layers on my torso and being fairly warm in most places, my fingers were frozen in the half marathon in 12/05. I've read somewhere that there is something you can put on your shoes to keep out the breeze so I need to find out what it is. And, someone told me my hands would be much warmer if I wore mittens rather than gloves so I need to look for some of those. He was a guy who grew up near Chicago and ran frequently, and, when it was real cold, he wore ski gloves to run in.
I'm not trying to get you guys to worry because I'm figuring Chicago will be a bit warmer than Minneapolis, don't you think? And last year in Chicago when it was so cold, the marathon was about two weeks later than it is this year so all should be fine with layers. Minneapolis just seems like it is much farther north but I'd better go look at a map.
I'm not trying to get you guys to worry because I'm figuring Chicago will be a bit warmer than Minneapolis, don't you think? And last year in Chicago when it was so cold, the marathon was about two weeks later than it is this year so all should be fine with layers. Minneapolis just seems like it is much farther north but I'd better go look at a map.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
God gave me an extra day of rest
My plan for today was to swim. No weights. Wanted to see if it was the swimming or the weights or the combo of the two that made my back so sore a couple of weeks ago. I decided not to set the alarm clock as I worked til 930 last night. I woke up to the sound of thunder. Dozed off again and thought I might bike instead but still was hearing thunder. Then looked outside and saw the ominous clouds so I decided that I should snooze a little longer, take it easy, and MAYBE swim tonight? I am tired so maybe this is a good thing--a little more rest never hurt anybody, right?
Sunday, July 8, 2007
I missed my friends. I had a nice time getting away in Dallas but didn't get to read your blogs or run with you on Saturday. Or even maybe get in a bike ride early this morning. Mind you, I probably needed a change of pace. I did nothing on Wednesday and most likely will do nothing today but will be back in the saddle tomorrow, I presume! Must mow the yard at some point.
I did run/walk around 5 miles Thurday morning in Dallas. It was overcast so not too hot even though I started later than I should have. Saturday was a different story, about the heat, for sure. The plan was to drive out to White Rock Lake and do the 15 out there. There is a Marathon in Dallas by that name so it sounded like a plan. It's only 9 miles around the lake so I new I'd have to figure out how to do more. And, they said they had a group run beginning at 7 am but I didn't want to start that late as I HATE the heat. But, I failed to reset the alarm on my phone from the Sunday before and didn't even wake up until 615 am!!!! And, White Rock was 39 minutes away! But, I was determined to get it done so off we went. I had found an old Jeff Gallaway book of mine and I reread it on the plane and in Dallas and it was truly very helpful to me. Mainly about doing the LSD--Long Slow Distance, that is. I know, Mark has been preaching about that to us but it was going in one of my ears and out the other. But, I had been having the awful back pain which got really terrible earlier this past week so I wanted to take it easy so I could finish the mileage. And, I knew it was going to be hot and lonely out there, and tempting to stop once I got around the 9 mile lake. So I ran as slow as I could. And, I took in more calories than I usually do--ate PowerBar during the first hour, and then had a gel and Sport Beans. And Endurox recovery drink when it was all over.
So, I did it slow and easy. And, amazingly, I felt SO much better as I ran. Almost no soreness in my legs and very little shortness of breath. And then the heat began to mount. I wanted to do 5:1 intervals for the first 9 miles but gave up around mile 8. Wasn't even able to do 2:1's. Almost went in the men's bathroom but caught myself JUST in time! Made it back to my starting point, got a new bottle of Propel and decided I would walk the last 6 miles. We decided to try to walk with the dogs which I thought was fine until I realized that I was way ahead with the ShihTzu and couldn't find Howard and the Golden Retriever. This fiesty little ShihTzu wanted to run and keep up with all the bikes on the trail. So, we turned around and found that the tired, pleasantly plump Golden Retriever was resisting moving and had plopped down in the middle of the trail, much to the chagrin of the many runners and bikers. So, I forged back on to the trail alone. I walked most of it with a few jogs here and there when there was downhill or shade. And thank goodness for water fountains along the way as one bottle of Propel was about a third of what I needed. And they had sprayers that you could spray yourself with to cool down which was nice. So, I guess I finished about 11:15, proud, not too sore, with Howard saying it really wasn't that hot outside. Now, he was sitting in the car with the airconditioning on with the two dogs so I don't think he gets a vote on this one!
But, I was worried that I'd only do 9 miles and then feel compelled to try to do 15 sometime during this week so I'm VERY glad it is over and done with! And, I'm proud that all of you managed to do your 15 even in the rain! Actually, I think that the cooling effect of the rain may have been a blessing even if it did mess up your shoes. And my pretty new shoes got messed up, too, as there were segments of the path at White Rock that were muddy and under water and I had to slosh through to get around the low spots. Shoes and socks not looking so good. But, it is an awesome place to run--really two roads and a path to choose to run, walk, or bike on but it was FULLL of people and a little scary with many, many bikes.
I think I am a Mississippi girl, through and through!
I did run/walk around 5 miles Thurday morning in Dallas. It was overcast so not too hot even though I started later than I should have. Saturday was a different story, about the heat, for sure. The plan was to drive out to White Rock Lake and do the 15 out there. There is a Marathon in Dallas by that name so it sounded like a plan. It's only 9 miles around the lake so I new I'd have to figure out how to do more. And, they said they had a group run beginning at 7 am but I didn't want to start that late as I HATE the heat. But, I failed to reset the alarm on my phone from the Sunday before and didn't even wake up until 615 am!!!! And, White Rock was 39 minutes away! But, I was determined to get it done so off we went. I had found an old Jeff Gallaway book of mine and I reread it on the plane and in Dallas and it was truly very helpful to me. Mainly about doing the LSD--Long Slow Distance, that is. I know, Mark has been preaching about that to us but it was going in one of my ears and out the other. But, I had been having the awful back pain which got really terrible earlier this past week so I wanted to take it easy so I could finish the mileage. And, I knew it was going to be hot and lonely out there, and tempting to stop once I got around the 9 mile lake. So I ran as slow as I could. And, I took in more calories than I usually do--ate PowerBar during the first hour, and then had a gel and Sport Beans. And Endurox recovery drink when it was all over.
So, I did it slow and easy. And, amazingly, I felt SO much better as I ran. Almost no soreness in my legs and very little shortness of breath. And then the heat began to mount. I wanted to do 5:1 intervals for the first 9 miles but gave up around mile 8. Wasn't even able to do 2:1's. Almost went in the men's bathroom but caught myself JUST in time! Made it back to my starting point, got a new bottle of Propel and decided I would walk the last 6 miles. We decided to try to walk with the dogs which I thought was fine until I realized that I was way ahead with the ShihTzu and couldn't find Howard and the Golden Retriever. This fiesty little ShihTzu wanted to run and keep up with all the bikes on the trail. So, we turned around and found that the tired, pleasantly plump Golden Retriever was resisting moving and had plopped down in the middle of the trail, much to the chagrin of the many runners and bikers. So, I forged back on to the trail alone. I walked most of it with a few jogs here and there when there was downhill or shade. And thank goodness for water fountains along the way as one bottle of Propel was about a third of what I needed. And they had sprayers that you could spray yourself with to cool down which was nice. So, I guess I finished about 11:15, proud, not too sore, with Howard saying it really wasn't that hot outside. Now, he was sitting in the car with the airconditioning on with the two dogs so I don't think he gets a vote on this one!
But, I was worried that I'd only do 9 miles and then feel compelled to try to do 15 sometime during this week so I'm VERY glad it is over and done with! And, I'm proud that all of you managed to do your 15 even in the rain! Actually, I think that the cooling effect of the rain may have been a blessing even if it did mess up your shoes. And my pretty new shoes got messed up, too, as there were segments of the path at White Rock that were muddy and under water and I had to slosh through to get around the low spots. Shoes and socks not looking so good. But, it is an awesome place to run--really two roads and a path to choose to run, walk, or bike on but it was FULLL of people and a little scary with many, many bikes.
I think I am a Mississippi girl, through and through!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Blogger boredom
Well, I'm just doing this blog so there will be one of there for someone to read because there aren't any on there for me to read. Since I have no life and reading blogs is a big part of my daily entertainment, I am bored!!!! I do worry that I am missing lots of your blog names in my reader but I keep going to the MM site and can't figure out which ones I have and which ones I don't. I know I don't have Floyd--Debra mentioned that you have one--what is your blogger name so I can put it on my list?
I am pretty bummed out about having to do three of the upcoming long runs on my own. And not neccessarily in fun or cool (as in temperature) places. This weekend, I'm gonna have to gut out 15 miles in Dallas if they aren't flooded everywhere--they've had daily rain forever I think. On June 23rd, I'm planning to go to New York to meet my son and his wife to be to check out wedding plans and places so I'll have to do that one up there. And, on August 25th, I'll be getting my makeup and hair done for their wedding that night! Don't think I want to be limping or exhausted for such a glorious occasion so I don't know what I'll do about that one. Maybe I'll do it on the Monday or Tuesday after I get home. I'm leaving on the Wednesday before the 25th so doing it early isn't such a good option either. And, you know, I DO depend on being with y'all to survive these long runs so I'm now pouting big time. But, we are marathoners, and I'll figure out something.
I'm pretty flattered that Mandy appears to be shocked that I am into the second half of my first 100 years of life. And she wonders how old I am. Now, I'm not one of these women who is ashamed of her age because I am grateful and happy to be alive and well! I have lots of friends who've lost siblings at a far younger age than I am so I celebrate getting older each year with gusto. I am doing the Half Marathon at Disney next January to celebrate my double nickel birthday--let's see if Mandy can figure that out. I know she can. And, I am old enough to be your mother, Mandy! My oldest son is 28 and I was finished with medical school when he was born! So there.
I am pretty bummed out about having to do three of the upcoming long runs on my own. And not neccessarily in fun or cool (as in temperature) places. This weekend, I'm gonna have to gut out 15 miles in Dallas if they aren't flooded everywhere--they've had daily rain forever I think. On June 23rd, I'm planning to go to New York to meet my son and his wife to be to check out wedding plans and places so I'll have to do that one up there. And, on August 25th, I'll be getting my makeup and hair done for their wedding that night! Don't think I want to be limping or exhausted for such a glorious occasion so I don't know what I'll do about that one. Maybe I'll do it on the Monday or Tuesday after I get home. I'm leaving on the Wednesday before the 25th so doing it early isn't such a good option either. And, you know, I DO depend on being with y'all to survive these long runs so I'm now pouting big time. But, we are marathoners, and I'll figure out something.
I'm pretty flattered that Mandy appears to be shocked that I am into the second half of my first 100 years of life. And she wonders how old I am. Now, I'm not one of these women who is ashamed of her age because I am grateful and happy to be alive and well! I have lots of friends who've lost siblings at a far younger age than I am so I celebrate getting older each year with gusto. I am doing the Half Marathon at Disney next January to celebrate my double nickel birthday--let's see if Mandy can figure that out. I know she can. And, I am old enough to be your mother, Mandy! My oldest son is 28 and I was finished with medical school when he was born! So there.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Oh, the joy
I'm astonished that I am enjoying this year in Marathon Makeover as much as I am. For two reasons. I remain proud of myself that I am exercising regularly, striving for a goal, and getting fairly fit. And, this is a BIG thing as, when I don't have someone to meet, or a reason to exercise, I usually DON't. For the first 50 years or so of my life this was my pattern.
And, the second thing that is so fun and good for me? I love all the new people that I am getting to meet and know. People who I probably never would have had the opportunity to ever be around even though we most all live in this metropolitan area. And people to meet and exercise with and go out to eat with and be friends with. And be a support group with. Oh, what bad grammar I am using--my old English teachers would certainly not be proud.
I actually am and was a VERY shy person. As a child I was painfully shy. I'm better now but still not too good at making conversation with people I don't know. But, somehow, knowing that we are all part of this marathon family, I feel like we all have something in common and are all rooting for one another and there for one another.
For some reason, today's run wasn't too bad, I didn't think. 8 miles still isn't anything to sneeze at but it seemed quite doable compared to last week. Several of us did the run at the Rez, and it sure was nice to be finished when we got back to the Y rather than having to go another 5 or so miles up to Campfire Circle and back! And, I switched back to my 2:1 interval because my back was sore before I even started, and I did NOT want a repeat of last week's physical challenge. Jody, Suzanne, Debra, and I sat down in the grass at the Y and stretched and talked for a few minutes and then went for breakfast together which was nice. And, we three girls are going to meet in the morning to ride bikes which will be a treat. You see, I've never had anybody to ride bikes with before, and I usually will not go to the trouble to take my bike out to the Rez to ride although it is a much more protected place to ride than in my neighborhood. Because, once I leave my immediat neighborhood, I have to share the road with cars and trucks and that is scary!!!!
Enough going on and on. But, isn't it impressive now that we not only say and think that 8 miles is a short run but that it seems "easy" compared to that 13 miles we did last week and the 15 we gotta do next week?
And now we have to listen to Mark and Clark fight for bragging rights about their butts.
And, the second thing that is so fun and good for me? I love all the new people that I am getting to meet and know. People who I probably never would have had the opportunity to ever be around even though we most all live in this metropolitan area. And people to meet and exercise with and go out to eat with and be friends with. And be a support group with. Oh, what bad grammar I am using--my old English teachers would certainly not be proud.
I actually am and was a VERY shy person. As a child I was painfully shy. I'm better now but still not too good at making conversation with people I don't know. But, somehow, knowing that we are all part of this marathon family, I feel like we all have something in common and are all rooting for one another and there for one another.
For some reason, today's run wasn't too bad, I didn't think. 8 miles still isn't anything to sneeze at but it seemed quite doable compared to last week. Several of us did the run at the Rez, and it sure was nice to be finished when we got back to the Y rather than having to go another 5 or so miles up to Campfire Circle and back! And, I switched back to my 2:1 interval because my back was sore before I even started, and I did NOT want a repeat of last week's physical challenge. Jody, Suzanne, Debra, and I sat down in the grass at the Y and stretched and talked for a few minutes and then went for breakfast together which was nice. And, we three girls are going to meet in the morning to ride bikes which will be a treat. You see, I've never had anybody to ride bikes with before, and I usually will not go to the trouble to take my bike out to the Rez to ride although it is a much more protected place to ride than in my neighborhood. Because, once I leave my immediat neighborhood, I have to share the road with cars and trucks and that is scary!!!!
Enough going on and on. But, isn't it impressive now that we not only say and think that 8 miles is a short run but that it seems "easy" compared to that 13 miles we did last week and the 15 we gotta do next week?
And now we have to listen to Mark and Clark fight for bragging rights about their butts.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
We are living in a time of awesome developments
Now I will pontificate on things TOTALLY unrelated to marathon training. One of the things that I think is awesome in our lives is the internet and the ability to research and learn about almost anything. And look at how all of us are able to communicate with each other even in Marathon Makeover. I also just read here at work (yes, I'm still here) about an unresectable lung tumor that will be treated with radiofrequency ablation--zap it without surgery which this patient would not be able to tolerate. But, the real reason for the blog is about insulin and all the stuff I learned today. And, I am a doctor but obviously rusty since I work for Social Security Disability. Boy have things changed! Indeed, my brother does have to take insulin but it is so much easier than is was years ago that it almost seemed like a breeze. An injectable multidose pen with a teensy needle and the stuff doesn't even have to be refrigerated any more. I am so relieved and the doctor thinks he is going to feel much, much better once his blood sugar is under better control. He had been totally against going on insulin and all of us have been worried about it for all the reasons I had mentioned in my prior blog. But this amazing little gadget is easy to use even for someone whose manipulative skills are a little impaired from the Parkinson's. The doctor we saw today, Dr. Dyess was awesome and I am forever grateful for his help and explanation of all this. And all sorts of new ways to take insulin are on the horizon, and there already is inhalable insulin but he felt that this pen was so easy and pain free that it would be best. So enough rambling on for me but I am pleased for all the diabetics in this world that their lives have been made easier by this Insulin pen and by the easy diabetic monitoring meters that are available now.
I think I got my MoJo back
Now, I don't know what Mojo is but I like the sound of it. If it's something nasty, y'all just let me know. But, after feeling like my marathon running days were over while struggling on Saturday and being a fine couch potato for most of both Saturday and Sunday, I was pleased as punch to have a good run today where I did not feel like I was gasping for breath--and my back wasn't hurting. Now, mind you, I was sort of okay for the first five miles on Saturday, too, but I was definitely encouraged by being able to run without feeling like a beached fish on its way to dying.
We ran into Shannon and Debra Milstead today running at the reservoir so now there are several of us out there early in the morning if anyone else is game and tired of fighting the afternoon heat. They started at 515 I think and we started at 530 this morning which is our usual starting time except for every other Thursday when Sally has an early meeting at work. I'll try to remember to post on here when we are starting before the sun comes up! Meeting my two diabetic brothers at the endocrinologist in a little while so everybody keep their fingers crossed that my brother who has been so sick doesn't have to go on insulin. The reason we are so worried about this is that he lives by himself and, as far as I know, can cook only microwave popcorn. We joke that the only time that his oven has ever been turned on is when someone's butt accidentally hits the knobs while they are standing in the kitchen talking! But, we are working on educating him on easy, healthy things to fix and how to grocery shop.
We ran into Shannon and Debra Milstead today running at the reservoir so now there are several of us out there early in the morning if anyone else is game and tired of fighting the afternoon heat. They started at 515 I think and we started at 530 this morning which is our usual starting time except for every other Thursday when Sally has an early meeting at work. I'll try to remember to post on here when we are starting before the sun comes up! Meeting my two diabetic brothers at the endocrinologist in a little while so everybody keep their fingers crossed that my brother who has been so sick doesn't have to go on insulin. The reason we are so worried about this is that he lives by himself and, as far as I know, can cook only microwave popcorn. We joke that the only time that his oven has ever been turned on is when someone's butt accidentally hits the knobs while they are standing in the kitchen talking! But, we are working on educating him on easy, healthy things to fix and how to grocery shop.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The first Annual Simpson Half Marathon
Just finished reading the blogs from people who finished their first half marathon yesterday and to all of you, including those who haven't blogged, CONGRATULATIONS! I thought it might justg be old hat to run 13.1 miles again, but running it with such a fun and nice group of people and in such a festive way ending with much-needed chairs and Baptist water made it quite memorable. And, I love my medal. Somehow both this medal and the one from the infamous Goat Milk Half two years ago in Utica or Raymond (I can't remember) are more special to me than the fancier ones from Chicago. I guess because they came from Mississippi? Or because they were hand made by Mississippians??? I don't know. But, I'm proud to have it.
The stars didn't line up just right for me yesterday and I just couldn't get it all going. Short ness of breath and bad back pain hampered me all along the way. I thought about quitting when we got to Lakeshore Park at eight miles--I think I would have if the water stop had been in the parking lot but decided to carry on since the water was along the path. I think maybe I have a little virus as I wasn't very hungry Friday or yesterday. But I am going to survive because I'm back eating today! Although very sore and tired. Slept in this morning which felt great. In fact, I'm still in bed although I have been up and down with the dogs and read the paper and eaten breakfast.
The party was fun--we sure had no shortage of food, did we????? The Lake Caroline clubhouse was a great place for the party, finally, we have all seen Clark's butt!!!! And, I'll just leave it at that. We should share some recipes, either on this Blogger or on the MM site where we post! And, who knew that Matt could sing??? Or that water had a religion?
Aren't we proud to have our aches and pains and black toenails and blisters today? And only five more long runs until the real thing!!!! Now you know you can do it. Despite enduring heat and pain, you finished the half and you will be able to use this same inner strength to finish the whole in October!
I need to get up and do some yardwork but I'm not sure it's gonna get done today. Maybe this week deserves an extra rest day, huh Homer and Robin????
The stars didn't line up just right for me yesterday and I just couldn't get it all going. Short ness of breath and bad back pain hampered me all along the way. I thought about quitting when we got to Lakeshore Park at eight miles--I think I would have if the water stop had been in the parking lot but decided to carry on since the water was along the path. I think maybe I have a little virus as I wasn't very hungry Friday or yesterday. But I am going to survive because I'm back eating today! Although very sore and tired. Slept in this morning which felt great. In fact, I'm still in bed although I have been up and down with the dogs and read the paper and eaten breakfast.
The party was fun--we sure had no shortage of food, did we????? The Lake Caroline clubhouse was a great place for the party, finally, we have all seen Clark's butt!!!! And, I'll just leave it at that. We should share some recipes, either on this Blogger or on the MM site where we post! And, who knew that Matt could sing??? Or that water had a religion?
Aren't we proud to have our aches and pains and black toenails and blisters today? And only five more long runs until the real thing!!!! Now you know you can do it. Despite enduring heat and pain, you finished the half and you will be able to use this same inner strength to finish the whole in October!
I need to get up and do some yardwork but I'm not sure it's gonna get done today. Maybe this week deserves an extra rest day, huh Homer and Robin????
Friday, June 22, 2007
You might be a Mississippi marathoner if. . . . . . . .
. . . . you think sleeping until 6 am is getting to sleep late.
. . . . you'd rather run at 5 am than 6 am just to avoid the heat.
. . . you are so dumb that you can't buy a bottle of tequila to go in the bucket of frozen margarita mix.
I went to Sam's last night and bought 2 buckets, one for me and one for Sally to bring to the party--thinking one sure won't be enough. Then, went in the liquor store right by Sam's to buy the tequila. There were two large bottles, two different flavors, and I picked the original lime flavor. Went home carefully measured out 750 ml of the "tequila" to go into each bucket, stirred it all up, and then noticed that the bottle said "margarita" and not tequila. This was a bottle of ready to drink margaritas--I've never seen nor heard of that. So, hopefully I will manage to get by the liquor store today to buy a REAL bottle of tequila to add to the mixes or we will certainly not got tipsy on these. Probably better anyway, considering the law enforcement!!!
And, on another note, still doing the back exercises. Getting carpet burn on my knees and elbows from doing them and glad that no one is at my house to watch this. Some of these moves are a bit suggestive!
. . . . you'd rather run at 5 am than 6 am just to avoid the heat.
. . . you are so dumb that you can't buy a bottle of tequila to go in the bucket of frozen margarita mix.
I went to Sam's last night and bought 2 buckets, one for me and one for Sally to bring to the party--thinking one sure won't be enough. Then, went in the liquor store right by Sam's to buy the tequila. There were two large bottles, two different flavors, and I picked the original lime flavor. Went home carefully measured out 750 ml of the "tequila" to go into each bucket, stirred it all up, and then noticed that the bottle said "margarita" and not tequila. This was a bottle of ready to drink margaritas--I've never seen nor heard of that. So, hopefully I will manage to get by the liquor store today to buy a REAL bottle of tequila to add to the mixes or we will certainly not got tipsy on these. Probably better anyway, considering the law enforcement!!!
And, on another note, still doing the back exercises. Getting carpet burn on my knees and elbows from doing them and glad that no one is at my house to watch this. Some of these moves are a bit suggestive!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Went to see Wayne Jimenez about my back
Well, I bit the bullet and emailed and called Wayne for help with my chronic mid back pain, exacerbated by running. Had an interesting trip from Madison to his clinic right in the middle of the rainstorm and power outage in Madison. Not only were the cops directing traffic because of the nonfunctioning stoplights, but, when I got to Lenny's to get Wayne his requested turkey sandwich, their lights were out and they could not fix a sandwich (not sure why but I guess they couldn't ring it up on the cash register). So, I left with a page full of exercise to do which I think are already helping--woohoo!!!!!! But, for some unknown reason, Jody and I had decided to run today instead of tomorrow--I think some sort of tapering for the half marathon?????? So, I had to be at the Rez by 530 for the second day in a row, run 5 miles and try to get back to my car in time to drive the Courthouse for my usual 7 am trainer session. Exhausted, sweaty, and stinky for that but I did it. Then, when I came home, I felt compelled to do the back exercises since I'm supposed to do them twice a day. I'm not sure I feel like I am tapering for Saturday!!!! But, I won't run tomorrow. May walk a few miles but will try to make myself not run. If only I could make myself go to bed early enough to get enough sleep when I am getting up at 430 am. And I am NOTTTTTTTT a morning person, believe it or not.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Walking and running in the rain
We did something we rarely do today--we walked most of our 5 miles! I have been so tired and sore and it felt so good just to keep walking and not run. We ran maybe the last two miles and it was fun to run in the drizzle which felt much better than the humid air.
And, I have a new discovery. As you may have already notice, I like to wear headbands and sweatbands. I don't like the feeling of sweat running down my face and it burns my eyes when it gets in them. I've bought a bunch of them over these three years and I do like everything I wear to match, too! Somehow they disappear--we won't go into how some of them disappeared especially during the Goat Milk Half two years ago. But often, after several miles, the sweatband makes me feel really hot and I have to take it off and tuck it in my waistband.
I was at Academy Sports the other day and on the tennis aisle which is where the sweatbands are. They had some very reasonably priced ones that don't have the Nike or Adidas or any symbol on them and they were only 99 cents apiece. But, even better than that, they are much stretchier and cooler (temp, not looks) than the more expensive kind. And they come in several colors, too!!!
Let's all pray for low humidity, decently low temp, and nice breeze for Saturday!!!! Make sure you drink a LOT during the long runs!
And, I have a new discovery. As you may have already notice, I like to wear headbands and sweatbands. I don't like the feeling of sweat running down my face and it burns my eyes when it gets in them. I've bought a bunch of them over these three years and I do like everything I wear to match, too! Somehow they disappear--we won't go into how some of them disappeared especially during the Goat Milk Half two years ago. But often, after several miles, the sweatband makes me feel really hot and I have to take it off and tuck it in my waistband.
I was at Academy Sports the other day and on the tennis aisle which is where the sweatbands are. They had some very reasonably priced ones that don't have the Nike or Adidas or any symbol on them and they were only 99 cents apiece. But, even better than that, they are much stretchier and cooler (temp, not looks) than the more expensive kind. And they come in several colors, too!!!
Let's all pray for low humidity, decently low temp, and nice breeze for Saturday!!!! Make sure you drink a LOT during the long runs!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Yard work, DOMS
The continuing saga of my newest crosstraining activity, yardwork!!!! The lawnmower is fixed so, since I didn't have to spend a fortune buying a new one, I decided to cut loose and buy a string trimmer that I can start, a blower, and an edger. The manual edger kills my arthritic hands that don't hurt unless I try to do something stupid like that. I have a nice gas-powered WeedEater that cranks only when it decides it wants to, sort of like a cat that only lets you pet it when it wants you to. So, I decided to get electric tools. A very nice guy waited on me at Lowe's and convinced me that I should by this Troybilt fancy weedtrimmer that you could change out attachments on so it would be the blower and the edger, too. The kicker was, it was also a gas operated thing. And you guys should know already how well I do with gas powered machines, other than cars. So, I planned to devote all day Sunday to playing with my new tools and getting the yard in shape. I got up and put the Troybilt thing together, added the oil, put gas in it, and (*&%#%*&^ if it would NOT crank despite many tries and following the directions perfectly. Waited a couple of hours and tried again--no go. So I packed the whole mess up, and took them back to Lowe's and bought what I had INTENDED to buy to begin with. Only they were sold out of the electric edgers so I had to go to Home Depot. But, once I got home, I had FUN playing with them. Machines that actually turn right on when you push the button!!!! Maybe I should start a company making yard equipment for women!
On another note, I have been very fatigued the last week or so and don't know why. And, the DOMS, which is delayed onset muscle soreness that plagued me terribly the first year I trained for this, hit me in full force after Saturday's run. I felt worse this Saturday after 7 miles than I did after 12 last weekend. Go figure. I rested a lot but did go the gym this morning and do weights and a little treadmill. The yard work got done half on Sunday and half this morning and I am WHIPPED!!!!!! But now I have so much money invested in the equipment, I can't hire anybody to do it for me so I will persevere. It is one of my favorite crosstraining things so it will be fine.
On another note, I have been very fatigued the last week or so and don't know why. And, the DOMS, which is delayed onset muscle soreness that plagued me terribly the first year I trained for this, hit me in full force after Saturday's run. I felt worse this Saturday after 7 miles than I did after 12 last weekend. Go figure. I rested a lot but did go the gym this morning and do weights and a little treadmill. The yard work got done half on Sunday and half this morning and I am WHIPPED!!!!!! But now I have so much money invested in the equipment, I can't hire anybody to do it for me so I will persevere. It is one of my favorite crosstraining things so it will be fine.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Yet another good day!
I think overcast is good as I didn't think I was going to die of a heatstroke coming up that last big hill. And 6 miles was a nice change although I am exhausted now and want to take a nap. Could be the big old chicken salad bagel I had at Beagle bagel with chips and pickle--breakfast of champions! But, I loved getting to meet a few new people today and putting faces with blogs! And, I am becoming addicted to the blogs now. I hope I'm not missing too many of the names from the MM site--I got weary of the copying and pasting but I do like reading everyone's notes. Each year the blogger method has changed a little and I didn't think I'd ever adapt to this one and become obsessed but it has now happened!!!! And I'm so happy to meet you bloggers in person.
One thing I thought of during my long torture, I mean run, last week was that you should soon be keying in on at least some of what you're gonna wear and use during the marathon. Don't majorly changes socks or other things that are next to your skin the day before the marathon as you body and skin won't be used to them. And, go ahead and experiment now with the gels and different drinks so you'll know what works and what doesn't. I've twice now worn some different socks that made me feel like my feet were getting raw so I'm not doing too good of a job of taking my own advice but it is jogging my memory!!!! I like the Baliga socks from Fleet Feet. I was wearing Thorlos but I find they are too thick and hot during our lovely summer weather here so now I save them for the winter.
One thing I thought of during my long torture, I mean run, last week was that you should soon be keying in on at least some of what you're gonna wear and use during the marathon. Don't majorly changes socks or other things that are next to your skin the day before the marathon as you body and skin won't be used to them. And, go ahead and experiment now with the gels and different drinks so you'll know what works and what doesn't. I've twice now worn some different socks that made me feel like my feet were getting raw so I'm not doing too good of a job of taking my own advice but it is jogging my memory!!!! I like the Baliga socks from Fleet Feet. I was wearing Thorlos but I find they are too thick and hot during our lovely summer weather here so now I save them for the winter.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I'm seeing 5 am starts in my future!
Now, don't get me confused with a morning person but I DO hate to be hot. And, Sally and I ran at 6 this morning for an hour and we were drenched when we finished. But, maybe it's not much cooler at 5???? I don't know. If this is global warming, I'm gonna have to pick a new sport!!! But, it does feel so good when you're finished although I'd like to go back to bed rather than to work!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Fresh Dog Water
I thank all of you for your responses to my question about how to keep dog water fresh outside. I have my doubts that any plastic bowl will work for my dogs outside as I have at least one MAJOR plastic and wood chewer who has 2 cohorts in crime to aid her while I am at work. I bought a LARGE plastic bowl with slanted down sides at PetSmart and filled it with water and it is pretty heavy when full. It has become quite an outside playtoy so then I started using a plastic bucket with a handle but they turned that over, too--and it is VERY heavy when filled with water. So, ingenious me, I enlarged one of the many existing holes in my backyard, which, by the way, looks somewhat like the surface of Mars thanks to the sweet darling digging and chewing babies, and I sort of sunk the bucket partway into the ground. So far, they have not been able to turn it over although they have snacked on the edge of the bucket. But, I have to lift it and dump it and rinse it out daily as it begins growing mold daily. And the outside of it is muddy so I get dirty and it is heavy, etc. So, I think that the little dealies with the 2L bottle on top or the empty soda bottle on top would be considered a snack item by these guys. I will have to call the vet and ask about the toxicity of bleach or the stuff that goes in ponds. Or, I saw a thing called Waterdog online that you attach to the outside faucet but it looks sort of inviting to chew on, also, so not sure about that. I have bought many chew toys for them to chew on but they appear to prefer chairs and screen and flowerpots and waterbowls and rugs and tables. It's a good thing they are cute!!!!!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Reservoir runs--at 530 am on Tuesdays and some Thursdays
The time appears to be ever changing but maybe they will mostly be at 530 am, uggggggghhhhh, except on the Thursdays that Sally has an 8 am meeting so then they'll be at 5 on those days, double uuuuugggggghhhhh!!!!!! Feel free to come and join us if you'd like. Same place to park as on Saturday AM's! But we don't put out water so you have to bring your own.
Another one of Carol's hare-brained schemes but I survived
What a week I have had! But I did get my 12 miles in, by myself unfortunately. I have pointed out how lucky we are to be healthy enough to even attempt our Marathon Adventure as my brother's health has been going downhill lately. Well, he took a tremendous plunge a week ago Monday while on a trip with some friends in Kentucky. In an attempt to try to help him function better/walk better, his Parkinson's meds had been increased, and they caused him to start hallucinating and falling and essentially being totally out of his head. Was hospitalized in a great hospital up there. My nephew drove up there but then needed help so I flew up there Wednesday to help. He was already getting better by the time I got there as they had stopped the meds. We drove back all night long Thursday night and I stayed in Merigold for the weekend to try to help him get on track with better diabetes control. So, I planned out a 12 mile route. And, I must say, I sort of wanted to be able to say I ran from Merigold to Cleveland. And, I was scared to run on desolate roads by myself due to fear of attack abduction. So, I looked at Hwy 61 with its nice wide shoulders, found that the turn around point was at the local Walmart, and headed out at 640 am Saturday morning, frozen Propel in hand--large one. Didn't take me long to realize that the traffic has picked up considerably on Hwy 61 in the 30 years that I've been gone from there!!!! So, I kept having to hit the shoulder which, although wide, was covered in giant, loose gravel. Sort of like running on the trail in Raymond or on the beach. So, my pace suffered, and I was exhausted by the time I got to Walmart. But, I went in, used their facilities, bought another Propel, and bought a cup of ice from the McDonald's inside, and prepped the old and the new bottles with ice and shared Propel. Dilly dallied around to rest but finally set out to go back to Merigold with TWO large bottles of drink (kind of like running with weights). I stood my ground on the narrow asphalt shoulder of road as much as I could but had to hit that gravel a good bit and had to walk a good bit. And, it was HOTTTTTT!!!!!. But, I did make it, and now I can say I have run from Merigold to Cleveland and back. And that I missed the support of you guys--a lot. I composed many blogs along the way--I guess that is one benefit of running alone--but not a good enough benefit to not make me want to be in your midst for all of my remaining long runs!!!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A very draining 24 hours and pumped up due to FStops blog!!!
We are so happy that Deb, AKA FStop joined us today at the Rez y for our usual Tuesday/Thursday run! I guess I was running faster than usual today due to the stress of the past 24 hours. I got a very disturbing call yesterday about my youngest brother who had taken ill while out of town with some friends in Louisville, KY. He has recently been getting worse from his Parkinson's disease and also has hypertension and diabetes. He was confused and kept falling yesterday morning so they finally had to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital. He has been my Rock of Gibraltor for years and is one of the kindest and sweetest people on earth although not the greatest person to take care of his own health. He was actively hallucinating all yesterday, all night, and still doing so today. I did not know what to do--drive there, stay here, or what. But, thankfully, my nephew drove up there yesterday so I didn't feel so terrible about not being there. All of his tests have come out fine/negative, and they now think that he just needs a drug holiday from his Parkinson's medication to get himself straightened up. Thank the good Lord that it isn't anything worse like a stroke.
Thursday's run, this week will be at 5 AM----ugggghhhhhhh due to Sally's meeting at work that day. Then, we are either running at 530 or 545 am next Tuesday so feel free to come join us. Despite my reputation as a taskmaster/slavedriver about speed and long intervals, everyone can do their own pace as they like!!! And I even try to run back so we can all stay together!
Thursday's run, this week will be at 5 AM----ugggghhhhhhh due to Sally's meeting at work that day. Then, we are either running at 530 or 545 am next Tuesday so feel free to come join us. Despite my reputation as a taskmaster/slavedriver about speed and long intervals, everyone can do their own pace as they like!!! And I even try to run back so we can all stay together!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Off with the new, on with the old---pedals!!!!
Okay, I gave in to reality and reason and got my old regular pedals put back on my bike. Enjoyed a nice long ride yesterday without fear of falling while trying to stop!!!!! Although stopping is a bit tricky even the old timey way or either I've developed a phobia now. My legs were a little sore, I think from Saturday's run, which wasn't pretty for me, by the way. Stomach issues prompted stops at the Chevron and the police station--and wow what wonderful air conditioning in that police station! And I ended up walking more than I would have liked because of stomach unrest. Oh, well.
And, interestingly enough, thanks to my Garmin, my pace with the old-timey pedals was faster than when I rode with the clip-in ones. So, there. And, I got delayed twice on my way home from Saturday's run as the Heatwave Triathlon folks were running the same trail that we ran last week. There was just enough space between the runners that traffic was backed up significantly! And, I went home to get cleaned up and get to the temple for a Bat Mitzvah at 10:15 and there were still police guarding the path for runners! The stragglers, whom I was proud of because, if I ever do that triathlon, that's about the time I'd be crossing that path, I'd be thinking!!!! I biked 15 miles yesterday and cannot yet imagine running 6 miles after getting off the bike so I've got a ways go to before I think about doing something like that.
And, interestingly enough, thanks to my Garmin, my pace with the old-timey pedals was faster than when I rode with the clip-in ones. So, there. And, I got delayed twice on my way home from Saturday's run as the Heatwave Triathlon folks were running the same trail that we ran last week. There was just enough space between the runners that traffic was backed up significantly! And, I went home to get cleaned up and get to the temple for a Bat Mitzvah at 10:15 and there were still police guarding the path for runners! The stragglers, whom I was proud of because, if I ever do that triathlon, that's about the time I'd be crossing that path, I'd be thinking!!!! I biked 15 miles yesterday and cannot yet imagine running 6 miles after getting off the bike so I've got a ways go to before I think about doing something like that.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I'm the one with all the scrapes on my knees--from XT!!!
Oh, the continuing bike saga. Of course, I remain determined to master this biking with the clipon shoes despite my fear. So, today, I considered riding my bike to my office to work. But, I didn't have a backpack/couldn't find a backpack so decided to just ride up here to see if it was doable on a Sunday without too much traffic. And, it was--a little over 4 miles and I did well, even stopping a couple of times and not falling. So, I guess I was getting a little cocky/overconfident but I was thanking God all along the way for helping me manage to stay upright, stop without falling, etc. And then I decided I wanted to make this a LONGER bike ride and to ride up a little ways on Rice Road and through some subdivisions now that I have conquered stopping without falling--NOT! I used my new method of unclipping only my right foot when I got to a red light at St. Augustine (God did not make it change to green on time for me not to have to stop) and somehow I managed to fall over to the right. Scraped up right knee and elbow as I had decided I did NOT need the elbow and knee pads today--WRONG. I managed to get up and act like I was fine and no one even stopped to see if I was okay. I rested a minute or two and drank some Propel and decided to push forward/south on Rice although I could have turned down St. Augustine and been home soon--I should have! Went a long way and it was a little scary when the road narrowed down to two lanes and got curvy. But, I made it and turned around and came back and turned into the school road before I got to Madison Avenue but I still had to get back on Madison Avenue. Again, as I stopped, unclipped with one foot, I fell over, this time to the left side. Scraped up the left knee and bruised my upper right arm. Had to reach in and unvelcro the shoe that was still hooked to the bike so I could extract my foot. This time, someone coming out of St. Ives subdivision did stop and make sure I was okay as it took me a minute or two to extract myself and get upright and nonchalant again. With two bloody knees and one bloody elbow. So, I managed to get going again and get back home, praising God for letting me only have scrapes and bruises and thinking of how nice and safe running seems to be compared to this!!!! Now, I can ride a bike as long as I have regular pedals and shoes without falling even though I am old. Why did I think I wanted to learn to do this????? Oh, yeah, I thought I might one day want to do a triathlon. I may just have to look like Grandma Moses again and use a bike with upright handlebars and old-timey pedals! But, I did manage to ride 14 miles so I am proud. And then I cleaned up and am now at work (via my CAR) for a few hours. The computer system is being worked on tomorrow so I needed to get a little work done today so I don't lose a whole day's pay tomorrow.
My brother has Parkinson's disease that has progressed very rapidly recently, and he struggles to walk and dress himself and put his own seatbelt on in the car and cannot even drive himself right now, so, being able to run and walk and bike, even with all of our aches and pains and sweating, is truly a blessing we should not forget.
My brother has Parkinson's disease that has progressed very rapidly recently, and he struggles to walk and dress himself and put his own seatbelt on in the car and cannot even drive himself right now, so, being able to run and walk and bike, even with all of our aches and pains and sweating, is truly a blessing we should not forget.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Today was good
Today was not too bad of a run--not as hot as I thought it would be and I found out 4 more people's names!!! I got to run more than half of the run with Jeff, Sam, and Christy and figured out who Scotty was! Since I missed many of the first runs I did not get to figure out who too many of you are so I'm glad to start making some new friends this year. Running with someone else makes the time and distance pass by so much quicker!!! And, I had breakfast at Beagle Bagel with Jody which was also nice. Having a breakfast place you can walk to when you finish a long run is a big plus--and you can go by more gels and sport jelly beans, too! And drink Monster Drink. I hated it at first but am growing fonder of it each week. Matt, how many ice cream cones will it take to make up how much it is going to cost you to have functional seatbelts and airbags??????
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Oh, what a beautiful morning!
Such a nice day, in several ways. It is still so nice and cool and refreshing to run in the nice cool air--this is going to be a faint memory soon, I fear/remember from past years. Also, Sally is back!!!! So, I didn't have to run/train alone. It helps so much to have someone to go with. Any and all of you are welcome to join us at the Rez Y at 6 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays for a 4.3 mile jaunt--you can go any pace you want but the comraderie is very nice. Also, I took O2 Gold today which is an Advocare product. Now, it was either my imagination or the weather or whatever but I was not as short of breath today while I ran so I guess I'll be trying to remember to take that on some other days, particularly on the long runs! I hope I can make it on Saturday. My boys are flying in on Thursday to go to my youngest daughter's graduation from high school Friday night and I'm not sure what time everybody has to be at the airport on Saturday morning. But, I don't relish running 10 by myself so I'll see what I can finagle--is that how you spell that word? And, Matt, I need someone to mow my yard since I did manage to burn up my lawnmower. I need to take it to get fixed but need help lifting it up into my van. I LOVE mowing but I'm not too good on keeping the machines in good working order. I figured out it probably needed oil after it began smoking so I bought some and put it in. However, I failed to put the cap on the oil thing back on correctly so, while I'm mowing away, large clouds of billowing smoke starting coming out of the mower. I ran from it as I was afraid it was going to blow up. And, I was almost done with the mowing so now I have a mohawk look in the back yard. I consider mowing the yard an awesome workout/crosstraining exercise so now I'm mad I can't do that.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Free concert Saturday night
Sally Cohen and I play in a band called the MS Community Symphonic Band. We have a special concert this Saturday night at 7 pm at the Belhaven Center for Performing Arts. We have a guest soloist on trombone that we are accompanying on several songs. We rehearsed with him tonight and he is amazing so I encourage any of that can to come hear him/us on Saturday night!
Have now made it through three"runs" without Sally
I said"runs" because I didn't really run all three times like we usually do. I noted some beginnings of the plague of generalized foot pain after last Saturday's 9 miler so I decided that this week was "Be Kind to Carol's Feet Week". So, I walked on Tuesday and today with my old walking buddies for 2-3 miles and then went to the Courthouse and ran 2 miles on the treadmill. Theory was that walking should be easier on my feet and running the treadmill causes less pounding. So, we shall see how I do this Saturday. This is my third year to train for a marathon. I had many and I do mean MANY muscle aches and pains from the waist down the first year. Second year went pretty well until I began having the vague foot pain all over which culminated in a stress fracture which completed itself 8 days after the marathon. So, I took 6 weeks off, tried to run a little and couldn't, then broke my 5th toe the clutzy way so took some more time off. Started back walking and running in January and even saw the foot doctor to make sure I wasn't going to cripple myself. Have actually done fine while I ran no more than six miles at a time. So, I hope the tootsies will let me go forward with the increased mileage since I've now signed up for both the Twin Cities Marathon in October and the Disney half in January! If I could lose some weight I'm sure my feet would be under lots less stress but I've been trying to do that for about 40 years, fairly unsuccessfully!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
I am a spoiled rotten baby
I ran today which is a good thing although it wasn't one of my better or easier runs. I am very spoiled about having someone to meet and run with on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sally had her 8 am meeting today so I had to go by myself. I, of course, took advantage of the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer and didn't get out til nearly 8 am. And, yes, it was a little warmer and more humid than I like and my legs felt like lead and my lungs like I was a smoker, and I'm not! And, since I have felt the big bad overall foot pain since the Cannonball, I decided to take it long and slow which I would have done anyway since I was running long and slow anyway!!! Instead of running the 3 mile route in the neighborhood and then running to the Park for another couple of miles, I went out at the far point of the neighborhood run and went on sidewalks toward the Elem. School. Then crossed the street and went into St. Ives and then back to the school and back to the neighborhood. But, not before I stopped for a rest on a bench at the school. I enjoyed the rest but wondered if they worried about strangers that stopped on their benches so reluctantly got up and went on. I have now officially signed up for the Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis with Sally so I am going to put my poor pitiful feet up to the challenge one more time. It's on the same day as Chicago so it makes the training with the group just perfect, if you can call running in the summer in Mississippi perfect. But, if you can survive running long distances in MS, you build up MUCH stamina which comes in handy running 26 miles in a cooler, more exciting place! Since I've done Chicago twice, I decided I needed new scenery to help pull me through miles 13 through 26 this time--I struggled mightily the second year to get myself to keep going. My serious determination of the first year had left me! But I did finish, thank the good Lord. And so will all of you if you set your mind to it!
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