The continuing saga of my newest crosstraining activity, yardwork!!!! The lawnmower is fixed so, since I didn't have to spend a fortune buying a new one, I decided to cut loose and buy a string trimmer that I can start, a blower, and an edger. The manual edger kills my arthritic hands that don't hurt unless I try to do something stupid like that. I have a nice gas-powered WeedEater that cranks only when it decides it wants to, sort of like a cat that only lets you pet it when it wants you to. So, I decided to get electric tools. A very nice guy waited on me at Lowe's and convinced me that I should by this Troybilt fancy weedtrimmer that you could change out attachments on so it would be the blower and the edger, too. The kicker was, it was also a gas operated thing. And you guys should know already how well I do with gas powered machines, other than cars. So, I planned to devote all day Sunday to playing with my new tools and getting the yard in shape. I got up and put the Troybilt thing together, added the oil, put gas in it, and (*&%#%*&^ if it would NOT crank despite many tries and following the directions perfectly. Waited a couple of hours and tried again--no go. So I packed the whole mess up, and took them back to Lowe's and bought what I had INTENDED to buy to begin with. Only they were sold out of the electric edgers so I had to go to Home Depot. But, once I got home, I had FUN playing with them. Machines that actually turn right on when you push the button!!!! Maybe I should start a company making yard equipment for women!
On another note, I have been very fatigued the last week or so and don't know why. And, the DOMS, which is delayed onset muscle soreness that plagued me terribly the first year I trained for this, hit me in full force after Saturday's run. I felt worse this Saturday after 7 miles than I did after 12 last weekend. Go figure. I rested a lot but did go the gym this morning and do weights and a little treadmill. The yard work got done half on Sunday and half this morning and I am WHIPPED!!!!!! But now I have so much money invested in the equipment, I can't hire anybody to do it for me so I will persevere. It is one of my favorite crosstraining things so it will be fine.
Monday, June 18, 2007
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