Sunday, May 6, 2007

Cannonball Run

I'm glad to have participated in the Cannonball Run but, somehow, it brought back some memories of the Goat Milk Half Marathon of 2 years ago which I will not go in to. The trail running was a surprise and a challenge for me but I'm happy that my new shoes didn't get as muddy as I thought they might when Doc mentioned that there were puddles and muddy areas. I can't wait to get my tshirt from the race--they were out by the time I signed up. But I do love waiting for packages. It was truly neat to see such a sea of MM tshirts--I would have worn mine but a friend picked mine up for me and I haven't gotten it from him yet. And, a really neat thing happend after the race. I got home and was searching for something in the back seat of my car and my neighbor called out to me--she was being dropped off from having run the Cannonball and is doing Marathon Makeover, too!!!!! Since I have not been doing my Saturday runs with you guys for various and sundry reasons, I didn't realize this so it was exciting to know that we might be able to train some together, ride together, and get to know one another better! What a small world.


Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!