All things were going well today for the morning run with me--which is unusual, as you know! No blisters, stomach issues, etc. But, it was amazingly hot and muggy to me which really affected my ability to run and breath. I have been doing 5:1's for several months and I truly struggled to do 2:1's. Which brings me to my next point. Marathon pace in Mississippi in August is quite different than what marathon pace might be in Chicago in October. So, if you've set your goal for some particular pace for Chicago, don't be disappointed if you can't push yourself to do it here or even to do it 2 minutes per mile slower. I truly think some of us may have a heatstroke on the 18 miler if we push ourselves hard. In fact, I think Clark, the Butt Man might oughtta bring a few bags of IV solution to have on hand just in case!
Now you guys know why I was so FOR training for a marathon in January. I would MUCH prefer my long runs be in October, November, and December, even factoring in the cold. So, my message is, do NOT try to run 18 miles FAST this Saturday unless the temperature and humidity are lots better than they were today!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Carol's new walking buddies
I used to walk with my friend Julie at the mall on Mondays but she has been sick for the last couple of months so I mainly have mowed the grass instead. Or gone and walked at 645 am with two other friends. But, I forgot to call them last night to see if they were walking so I decided to walk with my dogs this morning. My daughter, Kilby, has been doing this as the vet says that all three of them are too fat. She usually take the two younger ones first for a long walk and then comes back and takes the old girl, Aspen, next for a shorter one. This makes Aspen SO mad that she usually produces an accident for Kilby to clean up in the house when she gets back. Kilby is out of town so I decided to be nice to the doggies. So, I took Aspen first so I would not get a surprise from her ire at having to wait her turn. Went 0.8 miles with her and at a pleasant pace. Got back, and hitched up the one year old puppies on one leash--have a splitter that goes to each collar. Whoa, baby, they almost had me airborn!!!!! The two of them together weigh about as much as I do so I wasn't too good at pulling them back speedwise. But, after a little while, they slowed up to smell anything and everything along the way. And to get tangled up in the splitter part of the leash or to get ME tangled up in the splitter. I'm sure I was the entertainment of the neighborhood. And, they were dragging on the way back so I kept trying to manage to pour water into their mouths from my water bottle which seemed to choke them. I think it took us an hour and a half to go about 3.5 miles!!!!
I mowed the grass in stages over the weekend due to heat and overheating of mower. It was hot as Hades on Sunday for sure--I almost gave out before I could finish. I do NOT see how people mow in the afternoon, or, even worse, run in the afternoon!!!!
I mowed the grass in stages over the weekend due to heat and overheating of mower. It was hot as Hades on Sunday for sure--I almost gave out before I could finish. I do NOT see how people mow in the afternoon, or, even worse, run in the afternoon!!!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Another Saturday under our belts
I was lazy and ran at the Rez today. You see, I can sleep 30 minutes longer if I do that and every second of sleep counts! I missed getting to see everyone though so I look forward to THAT part of next week. Cannot say that I relish running 18 but I will be happy about it when I'm finished, right???? And so will you guys. I had a bad run today. Plan was to run from Usual spot at Lakeshore to Foxbay and back. Forgot to think about bathrooms, and my stomach decided to act up. So, I tried to visit the firemen but they appeared to be sleeping, and I didn't want to wake them up so I went into the woods. Still not feeling great so, I decided to turn around and go back to Lakeshore. When I got to the Boat Dock Road (?Fannin Landing), I realized that THAT bathroom was actually closer so I walked down to that one. Mind you I did a LOT of walking as I can't run when my stomach is talking to me. Then I ran some and met up with Sally on the Causeway over the water. She had a blister and was walking so I decided that I should keep her company and walk some more. Actually, walking felt great to my legs so maybe this will make me stronger for next week's run. Or, maybe I should just walk more and forget this !@#@#$%#$ running!!!! Came home and mowed til the lawnmower screamed and smoked for mercy and went dead. Then edged some and used the blower. Not even 1/3 through but at least I got started. Now at work and the blankity blank air conditioner is on the blink. But, at least I'm somewhat accomodated to being hot, huh?
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Day Off
Wow, how good today felt. Not to set the alarm at some ungodly hour. To lounge around in bed til 7 am seemed like sleeping til noon. How rested I feel. Hopefully ready to run tomorrow! I still have to go buy some Powerade as that is the drink of choice at the Twin Cities Marathon. I like the Performance Gatorade but recall having stomach growls from Powerade. But then, I often get stomach growls from most anything I intake while runing, so maybe it will be okay this time. I can't believe we're almost at the end of our training!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Hills and Blisters in New York, But It Was COOLER!
What a dummy I am. I wore tennis shoes on the plane to New York to save room in my suitcase. On Saturday, Benjamin and Lauren were going to have a session with the wedding photographer at 3 pm so we went in to be there at 11 for Lauren to get her hair done, have lunch, and then meet photographer at Central Park. We drove in from New York so we had to park the car a pretty long way away from where we were going, 3 different times and places, and walk a lot. Now, I don't mind walking at all but I was DUMB enough to wear flip flops. The minute we started walking, I could tell these shoes were not comfortable but I didn't have any others. They rubbed a blister on top of my right foot, just a little one, but they rubbed a LARGE, tender one on the ball of my left foot.
I drained it Saturday night and found some bandaids and an old corn pad and bandaged it all up Sunday morning. Unfortunately, bandaids on the bottoms of feet running long distances tend to come aloose and move around!!! I knew I probably should not run at all or maybe just do 8 miles. But, most of you who know me from years past know that I am stubborn and a SLAVE to the numbers on my watch!!!!! I was determined to do the 16. Pain or no pain. Lauren planned out a route from her house, an 8 mile route. Plan was that I would stop at the house and refuel/rewater and do the loop again. Well, the air was beautifully cool and dry but there were some SIGNIFICANT hills along the way. And remember, we were staying at her parents' house in the town of Dix HILLS---duh, there were hills! She had said I could vary the route and run most anywhere so, when I realized I had missed one turn but was still very close to the house, I decided not to go back to the house. I didn't want to repeat--I hate repeats of the same route like doing the lake in Clinton more than once. So, on I ran. My foot got sorer, and sorer, and sorer. I could have called my son but I decided that running in pain might be good training for the marathon. What a twisted mind I have. So I ran up a street and then turned on a main thouroughfare. Bathroom stop and water refill at a Dunkin Donuts. Ran for a long time and the businesses got a little less impressive as I went along. Boarded up buildings, pawn shops, thrift shops, foreign languages, people aimlessly ambling about. People going into closed businesses and coming out---? drug deals--would I even recognize that if I saw it???? I didn't want to turn around until I was at 10.75 because I thought that would put me at 16 getting back to her house but at 9.99 miles I decided running alone in a sketchy part of town probably was NOT wise. So, I turned around and ran back forever, past the street I was supposed to turn on. Then I turned back around and turned back the right street but was still not sure whether I was headed back the right way. Intervals were MUCH easier in the cooler air and the first ten miles were done in fine form and style. Doing the marathon shuffle or walking after that. When that watch said 16.00 miles, I called my son's cell phone and he did NOT answer! So I kept hobbling forward and he finally called just about the time I recognized the street I wanted to turn on. He came and got me and saved me about 3/10's of a mile more--I walked about a half mile extra.
I wasn't as sore after 16 as I was after the 13, thank goodness because we went out on Lauren's parents' sailboat which was delightful. Then we changed clothes and went to a foodtasting at the temple where they are going to be married--Wedding Crashers we were because there was a real wedding going on and we got to sneak in and sample all their food while they were in the ceremony!!!!!
Exhausted today after adventure getting home on the plane, as always. Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!!!
I drained it Saturday night and found some bandaids and an old corn pad and bandaged it all up Sunday morning. Unfortunately, bandaids on the bottoms of feet running long distances tend to come aloose and move around!!! I knew I probably should not run at all or maybe just do 8 miles. But, most of you who know me from years past know that I am stubborn and a SLAVE to the numbers on my watch!!!!! I was determined to do the 16. Pain or no pain. Lauren planned out a route from her house, an 8 mile route. Plan was that I would stop at the house and refuel/rewater and do the loop again. Well, the air was beautifully cool and dry but there were some SIGNIFICANT hills along the way. And remember, we were staying at her parents' house in the town of Dix HILLS---duh, there were hills! She had said I could vary the route and run most anywhere so, when I realized I had missed one turn but was still very close to the house, I decided not to go back to the house. I didn't want to repeat--I hate repeats of the same route like doing the lake in Clinton more than once. So, on I ran. My foot got sorer, and sorer, and sorer. I could have called my son but I decided that running in pain might be good training for the marathon. What a twisted mind I have. So I ran up a street and then turned on a main thouroughfare. Bathroom stop and water refill at a Dunkin Donuts. Ran for a long time and the businesses got a little less impressive as I went along. Boarded up buildings, pawn shops, thrift shops, foreign languages, people aimlessly ambling about. People going into closed businesses and coming out---? drug deals--would I even recognize that if I saw it???? I didn't want to turn around until I was at 10.75 because I thought that would put me at 16 getting back to her house but at 9.99 miles I decided running alone in a sketchy part of town probably was NOT wise. So, I turned around and ran back forever, past the street I was supposed to turn on. Then I turned back around and turned back the right street but was still not sure whether I was headed back the right way. Intervals were MUCH easier in the cooler air and the first ten miles were done in fine form and style. Doing the marathon shuffle or walking after that. When that watch said 16.00 miles, I called my son's cell phone and he did NOT answer! So I kept hobbling forward and he finally called just about the time I recognized the street I wanted to turn on. He came and got me and saved me about 3/10's of a mile more--I walked about a half mile extra.
I wasn't as sore after 16 as I was after the 13, thank goodness because we went out on Lauren's parents' sailboat which was delightful. Then we changed clothes and went to a foodtasting at the temple where they are going to be married--Wedding Crashers we were because there was a real wedding going on and we got to sneak in and sample all their food while they were in the ceremony!!!!!
Exhausted today after adventure getting home on the plane, as always. Look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I am RACE READY!!!!! and a reply to Mandy
I am pitiful. I love to run in new running clothes. I guess anything that is motivating is okay???? I have some Race Ready shorts that I got at Fleet Feet two years ago. When I got them, they were tighter than I like and I tried the biggest men's ones they had and they didn't appear to be any roomier so I stuck with the women's ones. They also are a little on the short side for a youngster like me. And, I think they actually have shrunk a little with many washings as I would hope and pray that MY butt has not gotten any bigger in the past 2-3 years with mucho exercise. Also, when the pants are tight, the pockets do not have much room to hold anything or get anything in and out of them! So, I bought two pair of a larger size offered on their website. The plan was to only get a pair of black ones, but the circle ones looked real cute, so I got them. And they are so cute that I wore them today on my run when I didn't even need any pockets! Although, I must say I put my half full Propel bottle in the back pocket while I mowed the backyard before I leave town and that was a big plus. Every time the mower went dead, being choked by the large quantity of Bermuda grass (despite the fact that I just mowed this grass Saturday afternoon!), I had a swig of Propel. And, I ordered some of the Race Ready Tights with pockets--a splurge. But, I like these circle shorts so much that I might just wear plain tights under them in the marathon!!!!
Blogger won't let me make a comment to Mandy so I'll just do it here. With your experience and credentials and personality, you WILL get in to dental school. (You need to find out their application to acceptance rate--I think I read somewhere in the paper that most of the people that apply get in????--I'm not sure. The bigger question is how hard it is going to be to do this with one or more children since you've been talking about having another little cutie. But, once you finish, you probably could tailor your hours around your children's schedules. Once they get into regular school, having time to work gets easier than when they are little. Hopefully you have grandparents around to help do the babysitting!
Blogger won't let me make a comment to Mandy so I'll just do it here. With your experience and credentials and personality, you WILL get in to dental school. (You need to find out their application to acceptance rate--I think I read somewhere in the paper that most of the people that apply get in????--I'm not sure. The bigger question is how hard it is going to be to do this with one or more children since you've been talking about having another little cutie. But, once you finish, you probably could tailor your hours around your children's schedules. Once they get into regular school, having time to work gets easier than when they are little. Hopefully you have grandparents around to help do the babysitting!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I love swimming!!!
Finally, I got to go swimming again. I think I have skipped at least two weeks so it was a treat. Decided to swim longer and skip the weights, don't know why--bored with the weights, maybe???? And I have to do the weights first because who wants to go into the weight room in a wet swimsuit with wet stringy hair? And, if I do weights first, my arms are a little sore and tired when I start swimming. Part of my plan was thwarted though. I have a weird tan on my back from swimming in Speedo swimsuit and a couple of the weird tops I run in. So, because of the wedding and my vanity, I wanted to get rid of the X marks on my back. So, I wore a regular swimsuit with "normal" straps. When I got to the Courhouse, there was a sign on the door saying that the outdoor pool was closed for maintenance!!!! So, I swam indoors which is usually miserably hot in the summer but was nice and cool today. And then I went and laid out for ten minutes on my stomach to get some sun on my back. But, I have noticed the water in the outdoor pool getting murky and gross so I guess it's for the best that they are doing something about it! Computers still screwed up today at work so you guys pray for me that they get fixed or I will have to cancel my trip to NY and work in the office instead this weekend.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Good and the Bad
I'm at work, goofing off now for the past 2.5 hours. All of our work is computerized and the connection to the national Social Security network is messed up. And I do mean MESSED UP BIGTIME! Yesterday it worked slowly and erratically but today it will not work at all. Now, if I was salaried and being paid anyway, I guess I wouldn't mind but I get paid by the piece for each case that I do each day. So I am earning exactly zero dollars today!!!! Just after I mailed all the rehearsal dinner invitations for my son's wedding, here I come and cannot make a living to help pay for this wedding.
Now, for the good. I do love goofing off, especially on the computer. So I've been looking at all of my emails and blogs and websites. Which is fun but even this is getting boring now. And we usually are supposed to limit our time on the internet but I don't think they can say anything to us today. It is weird that the internet works but not the intranet. The intranet is what they call our network with Social Security upon which all of our work and data are stored.
I've read some baby blogs, gone to the John the Penguin site, gone to the best workout music workout site. But, I can't download anything on this computer so can't work on workout music for me. Much more of this and I'll go home and goof off on my own computer!!!!
Did I tell you guys yesterday that I have a new granddog????? I love animals so this makes me happy and I can't wait to get to see him. Problem is, he lives in California with my son and his wife so I may have to wait a while. I am leaving Friday to go to New York to see my other son and his fiance and work out final details on the rehearsal dinner. The game plan is for me to run my 16 miler on Sunday in New York as the timing doesn't work out on Saturday when Benjamin and Lauren are going into town to meet with the photographer to get to know him and then out to lunch. And, of course, Mom would like to tag along. Country girl goes to town!
Now, for the good. I do love goofing off, especially on the computer. So I've been looking at all of my emails and blogs and websites. Which is fun but even this is getting boring now. And we usually are supposed to limit our time on the internet but I don't think they can say anything to us today. It is weird that the internet works but not the intranet. The intranet is what they call our network with Social Security upon which all of our work and data are stored.
I've read some baby blogs, gone to the John the Penguin site, gone to the best workout music workout site. But, I can't download anything on this computer so can't work on workout music for me. Much more of this and I'll go home and goof off on my own computer!!!!
Did I tell you guys yesterday that I have a new granddog????? I love animals so this makes me happy and I can't wait to get to see him. Problem is, he lives in California with my son and his wife so I may have to wait a while. I am leaving Friday to go to New York to see my other son and his fiance and work out final details on the rehearsal dinner. The game plan is for me to run my 16 miler on Sunday in New York as the timing doesn't work out on Saturday when Benjamin and Lauren are going into town to meet with the photographer to get to know him and then out to lunch. And, of course, Mom would like to tag along. Country girl goes to town!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Continuing Lawn Mower Saga and missed my bike ride!
I had a great run yesterday. Felt good and strong and didn't break down along the way except maybe during the long uphill stretch. And, just think, we did 8 instead of 9! Aren't we tough? Wouldn't you know Homer forgot to doublecheck the mileage since he was sidelined with an injury? But we did it and all the better and tougher for it. I felt good yesterday and woke up at 6 this morning disappointed to see the sky and hear the thunder. However, I was very exhausted today and hung in bed for a LONG time. Then, I worked on some wedding stuff, and then I went and bought a new lawnmower since I took the old one to be fixed after the run, got home, and it was worse off than every. The new LawnBoy more is awesome and much easier to push than the other one. I think I'm gonna contact them and suggest a new marketing tool for them! I justified spending the money on my second lawnmower in less than 12 months because it is an cross training tool for me!
I hope I can either ride my bike or swim tomorrow. I have given up running on Mondays as my body can't take running two days in a row.
I hope I can either ride my bike or swim tomorrow. I have given up running on Mondays as my body can't take running two days in a row.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Blog blahs
Mandy says she's having trouble thinking of blogs. It looks like she isn't the only one because there haven't been too many the last couple of days. Maybe we should blog about what we are eating today in preparation for our long run tomorrow! Or what we have planned for the weekend???? Or what we think about, was it Christa, getting thrown off of her own treadmill???? I can't even think of anything to say either--this is getting bad, huh?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Getting ready for cold weather
Now, I'll bet that title gave you a start, didn't it? Meanwhile at least one of us (me) is sweating like a pig on every run she takes. But, I am worrying about what I am going to wear in the Twin Cities Marathon. Sally says it won't be "that" cold because they don't usually have their first frost until Halloween but I am leery of trusting the weather like that. Just thinking of the difference in the temp in the two years I ran Chicago has me pondering what I'm gonna wear. I've run in two or three cold races and I was a little chilly. You don't realize how much ventilation is built into these running shoes until you run in the winter and feel that cold breeze on your toes! And, despite having 5 layers on my torso and being fairly warm in most places, my fingers were frozen in the half marathon in 12/05. I've read somewhere that there is something you can put on your shoes to keep out the breeze so I need to find out what it is. And, someone told me my hands would be much warmer if I wore mittens rather than gloves so I need to look for some of those. He was a guy who grew up near Chicago and ran frequently, and, when it was real cold, he wore ski gloves to run in.
I'm not trying to get you guys to worry because I'm figuring Chicago will be a bit warmer than Minneapolis, don't you think? And last year in Chicago when it was so cold, the marathon was about two weeks later than it is this year so all should be fine with layers. Minneapolis just seems like it is much farther north but I'd better go look at a map.
I'm not trying to get you guys to worry because I'm figuring Chicago will be a bit warmer than Minneapolis, don't you think? And last year in Chicago when it was so cold, the marathon was about two weeks later than it is this year so all should be fine with layers. Minneapolis just seems like it is much farther north but I'd better go look at a map.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
God gave me an extra day of rest
My plan for today was to swim. No weights. Wanted to see if it was the swimming or the weights or the combo of the two that made my back so sore a couple of weeks ago. I decided not to set the alarm clock as I worked til 930 last night. I woke up to the sound of thunder. Dozed off again and thought I might bike instead but still was hearing thunder. Then looked outside and saw the ominous clouds so I decided that I should snooze a little longer, take it easy, and MAYBE swim tonight? I am tired so maybe this is a good thing--a little more rest never hurt anybody, right?
Sunday, July 8, 2007
I missed my friends. I had a nice time getting away in Dallas but didn't get to read your blogs or run with you on Saturday. Or even maybe get in a bike ride early this morning. Mind you, I probably needed a change of pace. I did nothing on Wednesday and most likely will do nothing today but will be back in the saddle tomorrow, I presume! Must mow the yard at some point.
I did run/walk around 5 miles Thurday morning in Dallas. It was overcast so not too hot even though I started later than I should have. Saturday was a different story, about the heat, for sure. The plan was to drive out to White Rock Lake and do the 15 out there. There is a Marathon in Dallas by that name so it sounded like a plan. It's only 9 miles around the lake so I new I'd have to figure out how to do more. And, they said they had a group run beginning at 7 am but I didn't want to start that late as I HATE the heat. But, I failed to reset the alarm on my phone from the Sunday before and didn't even wake up until 615 am!!!! And, White Rock was 39 minutes away! But, I was determined to get it done so off we went. I had found an old Jeff Gallaway book of mine and I reread it on the plane and in Dallas and it was truly very helpful to me. Mainly about doing the LSD--Long Slow Distance, that is. I know, Mark has been preaching about that to us but it was going in one of my ears and out the other. But, I had been having the awful back pain which got really terrible earlier this past week so I wanted to take it easy so I could finish the mileage. And, I knew it was going to be hot and lonely out there, and tempting to stop once I got around the 9 mile lake. So I ran as slow as I could. And, I took in more calories than I usually do--ate PowerBar during the first hour, and then had a gel and Sport Beans. And Endurox recovery drink when it was all over.
So, I did it slow and easy. And, amazingly, I felt SO much better as I ran. Almost no soreness in my legs and very little shortness of breath. And then the heat began to mount. I wanted to do 5:1 intervals for the first 9 miles but gave up around mile 8. Wasn't even able to do 2:1's. Almost went in the men's bathroom but caught myself JUST in time! Made it back to my starting point, got a new bottle of Propel and decided I would walk the last 6 miles. We decided to try to walk with the dogs which I thought was fine until I realized that I was way ahead with the ShihTzu and couldn't find Howard and the Golden Retriever. This fiesty little ShihTzu wanted to run and keep up with all the bikes on the trail. So, we turned around and found that the tired, pleasantly plump Golden Retriever was resisting moving and had plopped down in the middle of the trail, much to the chagrin of the many runners and bikers. So, I forged back on to the trail alone. I walked most of it with a few jogs here and there when there was downhill or shade. And thank goodness for water fountains along the way as one bottle of Propel was about a third of what I needed. And they had sprayers that you could spray yourself with to cool down which was nice. So, I guess I finished about 11:15, proud, not too sore, with Howard saying it really wasn't that hot outside. Now, he was sitting in the car with the airconditioning on with the two dogs so I don't think he gets a vote on this one!
But, I was worried that I'd only do 9 miles and then feel compelled to try to do 15 sometime during this week so I'm VERY glad it is over and done with! And, I'm proud that all of you managed to do your 15 even in the rain! Actually, I think that the cooling effect of the rain may have been a blessing even if it did mess up your shoes. And my pretty new shoes got messed up, too, as there were segments of the path at White Rock that were muddy and under water and I had to slosh through to get around the low spots. Shoes and socks not looking so good. But, it is an awesome place to run--really two roads and a path to choose to run, walk, or bike on but it was FULLL of people and a little scary with many, many bikes.
I think I am a Mississippi girl, through and through!
I did run/walk around 5 miles Thurday morning in Dallas. It was overcast so not too hot even though I started later than I should have. Saturday was a different story, about the heat, for sure. The plan was to drive out to White Rock Lake and do the 15 out there. There is a Marathon in Dallas by that name so it sounded like a plan. It's only 9 miles around the lake so I new I'd have to figure out how to do more. And, they said they had a group run beginning at 7 am but I didn't want to start that late as I HATE the heat. But, I failed to reset the alarm on my phone from the Sunday before and didn't even wake up until 615 am!!!! And, White Rock was 39 minutes away! But, I was determined to get it done so off we went. I had found an old Jeff Gallaway book of mine and I reread it on the plane and in Dallas and it was truly very helpful to me. Mainly about doing the LSD--Long Slow Distance, that is. I know, Mark has been preaching about that to us but it was going in one of my ears and out the other. But, I had been having the awful back pain which got really terrible earlier this past week so I wanted to take it easy so I could finish the mileage. And, I knew it was going to be hot and lonely out there, and tempting to stop once I got around the 9 mile lake. So I ran as slow as I could. And, I took in more calories than I usually do--ate PowerBar during the first hour, and then had a gel and Sport Beans. And Endurox recovery drink when it was all over.
So, I did it slow and easy. And, amazingly, I felt SO much better as I ran. Almost no soreness in my legs and very little shortness of breath. And then the heat began to mount. I wanted to do 5:1 intervals for the first 9 miles but gave up around mile 8. Wasn't even able to do 2:1's. Almost went in the men's bathroom but caught myself JUST in time! Made it back to my starting point, got a new bottle of Propel and decided I would walk the last 6 miles. We decided to try to walk with the dogs which I thought was fine until I realized that I was way ahead with the ShihTzu and couldn't find Howard and the Golden Retriever. This fiesty little ShihTzu wanted to run and keep up with all the bikes on the trail. So, we turned around and found that the tired, pleasantly plump Golden Retriever was resisting moving and had plopped down in the middle of the trail, much to the chagrin of the many runners and bikers. So, I forged back on to the trail alone. I walked most of it with a few jogs here and there when there was downhill or shade. And thank goodness for water fountains along the way as one bottle of Propel was about a third of what I needed. And they had sprayers that you could spray yourself with to cool down which was nice. So, I guess I finished about 11:15, proud, not too sore, with Howard saying it really wasn't that hot outside. Now, he was sitting in the car with the airconditioning on with the two dogs so I don't think he gets a vote on this one!
But, I was worried that I'd only do 9 miles and then feel compelled to try to do 15 sometime during this week so I'm VERY glad it is over and done with! And, I'm proud that all of you managed to do your 15 even in the rain! Actually, I think that the cooling effect of the rain may have been a blessing even if it did mess up your shoes. And my pretty new shoes got messed up, too, as there were segments of the path at White Rock that were muddy and under water and I had to slosh through to get around the low spots. Shoes and socks not looking so good. But, it is an awesome place to run--really two roads and a path to choose to run, walk, or bike on but it was FULLL of people and a little scary with many, many bikes.
I think I am a Mississippi girl, through and through!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Blogger boredom
Well, I'm just doing this blog so there will be one of there for someone to read because there aren't any on there for me to read. Since I have no life and reading blogs is a big part of my daily entertainment, I am bored!!!! I do worry that I am missing lots of your blog names in my reader but I keep going to the MM site and can't figure out which ones I have and which ones I don't. I know I don't have Floyd--Debra mentioned that you have one--what is your blogger name so I can put it on my list?
I am pretty bummed out about having to do three of the upcoming long runs on my own. And not neccessarily in fun or cool (as in temperature) places. This weekend, I'm gonna have to gut out 15 miles in Dallas if they aren't flooded everywhere--they've had daily rain forever I think. On June 23rd, I'm planning to go to New York to meet my son and his wife to be to check out wedding plans and places so I'll have to do that one up there. And, on August 25th, I'll be getting my makeup and hair done for their wedding that night! Don't think I want to be limping or exhausted for such a glorious occasion so I don't know what I'll do about that one. Maybe I'll do it on the Monday or Tuesday after I get home. I'm leaving on the Wednesday before the 25th so doing it early isn't such a good option either. And, you know, I DO depend on being with y'all to survive these long runs so I'm now pouting big time. But, we are marathoners, and I'll figure out something.
I'm pretty flattered that Mandy appears to be shocked that I am into the second half of my first 100 years of life. And she wonders how old I am. Now, I'm not one of these women who is ashamed of her age because I am grateful and happy to be alive and well! I have lots of friends who've lost siblings at a far younger age than I am so I celebrate getting older each year with gusto. I am doing the Half Marathon at Disney next January to celebrate my double nickel birthday--let's see if Mandy can figure that out. I know she can. And, I am old enough to be your mother, Mandy! My oldest son is 28 and I was finished with medical school when he was born! So there.
I am pretty bummed out about having to do three of the upcoming long runs on my own. And not neccessarily in fun or cool (as in temperature) places. This weekend, I'm gonna have to gut out 15 miles in Dallas if they aren't flooded everywhere--they've had daily rain forever I think. On June 23rd, I'm planning to go to New York to meet my son and his wife to be to check out wedding plans and places so I'll have to do that one up there. And, on August 25th, I'll be getting my makeup and hair done for their wedding that night! Don't think I want to be limping or exhausted for such a glorious occasion so I don't know what I'll do about that one. Maybe I'll do it on the Monday or Tuesday after I get home. I'm leaving on the Wednesday before the 25th so doing it early isn't such a good option either. And, you know, I DO depend on being with y'all to survive these long runs so I'm now pouting big time. But, we are marathoners, and I'll figure out something.
I'm pretty flattered that Mandy appears to be shocked that I am into the second half of my first 100 years of life. And she wonders how old I am. Now, I'm not one of these women who is ashamed of her age because I am grateful and happy to be alive and well! I have lots of friends who've lost siblings at a far younger age than I am so I celebrate getting older each year with gusto. I am doing the Half Marathon at Disney next January to celebrate my double nickel birthday--let's see if Mandy can figure that out. I know she can. And, I am old enough to be your mother, Mandy! My oldest son is 28 and I was finished with medical school when he was born! So there.
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