Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Please pray for my brother
Yet another development in my brother's condition. Running test in the morning. Please pray for the best.
Tilling up Asphalt
Someone on here has the name of "Pulling Asphalt". What I did today felt much more like plowing through asphalt or tilling it up, maybe. As much as I enjoy and relish in this training for marathons, I don't like running by myself. I feel like I am pulling a wagon full of trash behind me when I run alone. Sally had an early meeting, Jody is training alone, couldn't find Deb so decided I'd sleep in a little and run in my neighborhood. Managed to get out at 630 rather than the planned 6 am as I was running a little late and then my daughter came outside and asked me to come remove a small snake from the kitchen. One of my alltime favorite things to do as you can imagine. I started out with the noble thought of trying to go back to doing 5:1's no matter how slow I had to run. I made it for almost 2 miles of that and then reset my watch to START OVER at 2:1 intervals. Did a few cycles of that and then decided to walk. Then started running on the 1's and finally managed to switch over and run some 2:1's. I'm still tired and sore--tired from wedding festivities and sore from running forever on the treadmill and then dancing. One should not dance for hours when one has not danced in over a year! I feel like I have whiplash but all over my body! But, I managed to do my run outside for the first time in a week. I'll be running inside in Bham on Thursday and back with you guys on Saturday--thank the good Lord because I need to feel the strength of you running with me. I can't decide about whether to try to do the course twice or not. I'd have to start at 4 am and am leery of that. And, leery of being able to finish in time to get cleaned up and at the temple for the Bat Mitzvah. And just remembered that I am a greeter that morning so I'm supposed to be early. That may be my sign that I should only do 10, huh? My plantar fasciitis foot feels better so maybe not doing a long run for a while is for the best.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm back and way behind on reading your blogs!
What a wonderful wedding we had. It was beautiful and fun. And I'm exhausted but back to reality. I did manage to exercise some. I feel like we've come too far for me not to try to do something at least every other day. There was no decent place to run from the hotel so I hit the gym on Thursday morning. It got hot in there on the treadmill and I realized that it was 63 degrees outside so I went outside and walked the perimeter of the parking lot to get full enjoyment of the weather up there. My legs were sore that day from getting used to the treadmill so I didn't go very far and did no running outside. I think I did nothing on Friday. I listened to no one including my son and his now new wife, and I got up and exercised on Saturday. My ex's girlfriend runs 5 to 15 miles on the treadmill so I was determined to get in a decent workout. I slept 2 of the nights in the room with my brother so I could help him during the night if he needed me and so I could have my own bed and have the tv on all night--my daughters got there on Friday and like to sleep in the dark! And, I woke up at 6 am so I went on down to the exercise room. Well, I decided to try to get close to running 10 on the treadmill. I got on and off several times for bathroom and water breaks and for stretching and lost track of the mileage so I decided to aim for 2 hours. And, I did it!!!!! I was tired and sore but happy that I got it in. But then, as the day wore on, and I was exhausted and sleepy I began to regret my choice but there's no taking back having done something that dumb. What kept me going was the fact that I knew my son would be so disappointed in me if I ran out of steam. So, I passed my sleepy spell, got dressed and ready and enjoyed everything except having to stand through the whole ceremony. On the pulpit, with sore feet. In dressy shoes. Thought I might faint but one of the groomsmen did that for me instead, poor guy. And, I danced the night away that night with an awesome band. So, I decided that late Saturday night's dancing counted as Sunday's crosstraining so I am doing good! I'm glad you guys have your 20 under your belt--I wish mine was. We've almost reached our goal, can you believe it????
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Supa Carol is melting, melting
Lovely Debra, FStop on her, has given me the new name of Supa Carol. She, Sally, and I met at 6 am for our usual wog. Mind you, I said SIX am which was supposedly a treat. Except for the heat. Or either I'm just getting wimpier and wimpier. Now, I gotta tell you guys that Deb can walk faster than anyone I've every walked with. In fact, I'm not sure that she doesn't walk faster than she runs!!! I must have gone out too fast because I got pooped VERY quickly. We were doing 2:1's and I tend to go too fast on the run part of that since I don't have to be able to go 5 minutes like I usually torture myself to do. On the way back from Campfire, I considered stopping and sitting down, I was so hot and out of breath. Finally, I went into the Chevron bathroom and used my Propel cap to put water on top of my head. Which made me feel better although my legs were still spent when I went back out. So, two tough runs in a row make me think I'm like the witch in the Wizard of Oz who melted when she got wet! Not sure how much I'll run in New York but I'm taking my stuff. Hope to do a couple of 5 mile runs on Thursday and Saturday but not sure I'll have the time or the gumption to go by myself. I will pray for all of you running in this awful heat on Saturday. Do take it easy and drink plenty before, during , and after. I actually think I may have been a little behind on fluids today which may have been part of my problem. I drank a glass of wine last night before bed rather than a glass of water!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Oh boy, oh boy, Sally was wrong about the 22 miler!!!!
What a relief. Sally thought that the 22 miler was on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday on which we fast both food and water so we were going to have to figure out a way to do it by ourselves on another day. But, I just looked at the schedule, and she was wrong. I'm sure for the first time in her life!!!! But, the 22 miler is on the Saturday in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur so we can do it with you guys! I am SO relieved because I've had to run just one too many long runs on my own. I only have so much will power and drive and wasn't sure I could push myself that far. Doing 20 with Paula on the day that you guys only have to do 10 may take all of the strength and willpower that I have in me! So, now, we can all suffer together on the 22 miler. Let's all be praying for a cold front or some unseasonably cool weather!
I rode my bike alone today at the Rez. Usually I won't go to the trouble to rack it up and take it somewhere just to ride by myself but I did today. It was nice but sometimes scary on the Campfire Circle/Waterwood leg as there are so many intersecting roads where cars can be zooming along crossing the path. There was a great breeze over the Causeway which appears to usually be absent when we are running! In fact, it was so strong on the way back to Lakeshore that I had to battle it as I pedaled along. Go figure--will it be there when we need it on the 20 or the 22 miler????? Then I went to choir practice all sweaty and nasty but I got my crosstraining in and now I'm at work. Procrastinating as I am writing and checking blogs rather than working!
I rode my bike alone today at the Rez. Usually I won't go to the trouble to rack it up and take it somewhere just to ride by myself but I did today. It was nice but sometimes scary on the Campfire Circle/Waterwood leg as there are so many intersecting roads where cars can be zooming along crossing the path. There was a great breeze over the Causeway which appears to usually be absent when we are running! In fact, it was so strong on the way back to Lakeshore that I had to battle it as I pedaled along. Go figure--will it be there when we need it on the 20 or the 22 miler????? Then I went to choir practice all sweaty and nasty but I got my crosstraining in and now I'm at work. Procrastinating as I am writing and checking blogs rather than working!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Running in Clinton Kicks my Butt!!!
Okay, I'll admit it, I'm one of those who runs at the Rez sometimes on Saturday when the runs are "short". Mark's blog guilted me into coming to Clinton today--I think I have only run one other time in Clinton this year. I was whipped when I finished and not too pretty during the run! Couldn't even keep up with 2:1 intervals, I guess due to the hills and the heat. I think the Clinton 9 miles is a much bigger workout than the Reservoir due to the hills. So, if I ever plan to do a marathon that is not flat (I hope I don't ever do that), I'll have to make sure to do all my runs in Clinton to get ready! I got home feeling exhausted so bathed and got in bed. Napped for a while and got up at noon refreshed and ready to run errands and come to work. I'm still sleepy though but will try to plod through some work as I'm gonna miss lot of days in this pay period.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Various and sundry--brother and running to breathing pace
Thanks to all of you for good wishes for my brother. Who, by the way, was here today to see the endocrinologist. Can't keep a good man down for long. Refused to take the Demerol in the pump at the hospital as he wanted to "tough it out". Says he is going to the wedding even if he's on a stretcher. Dr. Dyess seemed happy that he was going to the wedding and to England and gave us tips for dealing with the insulin on a trip. He is weak but determined so I say, go for it. We did go and find him a small, light, wheeled carry-on bag for his insulin and paraphernalia. At least some people get to take what they need on a plane!!!!
And, Lisa, as to the cadence of running and breathing. Paid attention this morning, and, actually, I run two steps as I breath in and two as I breath out when in steady state, ie no steep hills or severe gasping due to heat and/or fatigue!!!!! It is annoying but unavoidable for me now that I know that I take about 88 times 4 steps per 2 minutes. I count as I go, 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, etc, ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Rarely, my music will stop me from this or a running partner will distract me but otherwise, I'm off to Number Land. One song I had on my player was actually at the correct pace for me but I don't know the name of it!
And, Lisa, as to the cadence of running and breathing. Paid attention this morning, and, actually, I run two steps as I breath in and two as I breath out when in steady state, ie no steep hills or severe gasping due to heat and/or fatigue!!!!! It is annoying but unavoidable for me now that I know that I take about 88 times 4 steps per 2 minutes. I count as I go, 1 2 3 4, 2 2 3 4, etc, ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Rarely, my music will stop me from this or a running partner will distract me but otherwise, I'm off to Number Land. One song I had on my player was actually at the correct pace for me but I don't know the name of it!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
ONE sock for $35?????????
Okay, I ordered the Strassburg sock for help with plantar fasciitis because Fleet Feet did not have the regular size. The package came today and I brought it into the room to put on to go to bed. Opened the package, read the directions, and turned around to put the other one. There ain't no other one!!!!! I'm not thinking I would have bought this had I known I only got ONE sock!!!! But, on the good side, I only have plantar fasciitis in the right foot so it should work. If I can stand it. I'm not sure I can sleep with it on. I am aware that it has my foot cocked back a little and I do feel a tiny pull on my plantar fascia. In the front part closer to my toes where it was NOT hurting until I put the sock on. I'm not thinking I'll make it too long in this tonight. Maybe I'll work into it--30 minutes tonight, an hour tomorrow night, etc.
My brother begged out of the hospital this morning. His back still hurts but he wanted to make it to his endocrinologist appointment here in Jackson this morning. Little did he know that my oldest brother had cancelled his appointment thinking he'd never make it. So, he's coming tomorrow morning and I'm gonna meet him there at 10 am. So much for my pre-wedding manicure and pedicure but that can wait. I did manage to get the hair all done up today--haircut, etc. so I'm on the way to trying to look better than I do when you guys see me at 5 in the morning.
Wog on, my friends. And here's to the healing of Jana's leg and foot and Scotty's leg, too. And anybody else's aches and pains as well.
My brother begged out of the hospital this morning. His back still hurts but he wanted to make it to his endocrinologist appointment here in Jackson this morning. Little did he know that my oldest brother had cancelled his appointment thinking he'd never make it. So, he's coming tomorrow morning and I'm gonna meet him there at 10 am. So much for my pre-wedding manicure and pedicure but that can wait. I did manage to get the hair all done up today--haircut, etc. so I'm on the way to trying to look better than I do when you guys see me at 5 in the morning.
Wog on, my friends. And here's to the healing of Jana's leg and foot and Scotty's leg, too. And anybody else's aches and pains as well.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
New mode of dehydration
Deb and I wogged at the Rez at 6 am this morning--was wonderful to go a little later and have some daylight but, boy, was there traffic on the way home! Then, I started on the weekly Mowing of the Yard, knowing I was only going to do half due to time and heat constraints. Had my usual cantankerous mower problems and the weedeater is still on the blink. Then I got a phone call that they put my brother in the hospital today. So, while I was pouring sweat mowing, I was sobbing also. Was a good way to help deal with frustration though. He is so weak that every little action of daily life that we take for granted like getting up out of a chair and down into a chair and in and out of a car is an ordeal. His back was hurting him yesterday and he called for some medication but this morning when my nephew went to get him/help him, he must have been really bad because my nephew took him straight to the hospital. I would take this a lot better other than the fact that I am leaving next Wednesday for the wedding, and my brother is supposed to go with me so I can take care of him. Since he has no kids of his own, all of his nieces and nephews have been his kids, and he has spoiled them rotten. So they all love him to death, and we all are going to be so sad if he can't come. And, he has a trip to England planned at the end of the month with two of his good friends that I really wanted him to be able to make as I don't think he is going to be able to travel much more. Again, I say, let us all say thanks to God for the ability and privilege to be able to train for this marathon.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Change to my blog template
I just found a picture from 2005 and posted it so you guys can compare the clothing I had on for teh 2005 and 2006 marathon. Take clothes for any kind of weather although you will be able to watch the forecast the week before you leave and have a pretty good idea as to what temperature and conditions you should expect!!! I was down to my sleeveless shirt only before the end in 2005. By choice! Pin your number on your shorts leg so you can wear as many shirts as you want and take them off!
Back from the Delta
Spent about 24 hours back in my hometown in Cleveland. My bro and I did a grocery store run and then took some food over to my mother's and cooked supper. But, just for us as she got my message confused and had already eaten. Her two blades of grass as I describe it. Now, most everyone in my family LOVES to eat. My mother and I included. I have vivid memories standing over a carton of vanilla ice cream as a child/teenager with my mother and polishing it off in one sitting/standing!!! But now, she eats less than a bird. So little that I do not know how she can subsist. But, I think she may get up during the night and bust into the junk food. And maybe she eats cookies and cake. But, I figure, at 97 years old, you ought to be able to eat whatever you want, huh? This morning, I took my brother to his PT session, then went by the car dealership to have my left blinker light fixed--having a family dealership in a small town is an awesome way to quickly deal with a car problem. And to trust what they say about a tire rod being loose or something. Then we went to drop pants to be altered, then to Neysa's shop, then back to dealership to fax blood sugars, than back to Merigold to fix and eat lunch. I finally got on the road about 2 pm--only four hours later than planned!!!! But I do enjoy the ride up there and back sometimes--I like looking at the open land, and the crops, and all the farm equipment. There was a LONG line of tractors pulling loads of cotton waiting to be waited on at the gym--I wished Deb was there to get a picture of that. Enough rambling. Although I did carry my bike up there, I decided sleeping in this morning was much more therapeutic than any exercise would be! I love sleeping in a Murphy bed.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bruised feet syndrome
Okay, I've been trying to ignore it, but I'm getting the old generalized bone bruised feeling feet again but I'm trying to tell them to shut up. I did wear new shoes today but I still feel some pain but it isn't unbearable but I, of course, am medicated with my Relafen. Thank goodness for heavy duty anti-inflammatories!!!! And, speaking of heavy duty, I went to Sal Liz to try out some new heavy duty undergarments--don't want to embarrass you guys, but, if you can mentions bleeding nipples, who could be embarrassed???? So, I now have two new suits of armor to run in and they saw the damage that the bra I bought last year did to some of my lovely parts so they know I wasn't lying!!!!
I'm very happy to have now found a partner to do the 20 miler with--Paula! She can't do it on the 25th either so we are going to do it on the next Saturday when you guys get to do 10. We'll just do your 10 mile route twice from Fleet Feet. Ugggh. I have a mental block against repeating but this is better than doing 20 all alone with no water stops and no one to look at for five or more hours!!!! We probably will start at 4 am so that there may still be water out for most of our run--maybe we'll take some steroids so we can be REAL fast and make sure we have water! Maybe it will be good for my poor pitiful feet to get an extra week without the long mileage. We'll see whether I manage to do a ten miler in NY the morning of the wedding. I'm seriously doubting it but I think God will forgive for missing this day of my training. And, I had to miss many of the Saturday runs last year, and I don't think I've had to miss one yet this year.
You guys looked great out there today and I thank all of you who let me run with you today. Christa, Shelllie, and Christy--did I get your names right? I especially thank you for letting me tag along with you guys so that I would not be alone in the big bad woods in the dark. And I loved my yummy breakfast at Beagle Bagel. I got to get the cheese melt today which looked good the last time I was there when I had the peanut butter on the cinnamon raisin bagel which was awesome, huh Deb? I think I am a food addict because I love it so much!
I'm very happy to have now found a partner to do the 20 miler with--Paula! She can't do it on the 25th either so we are going to do it on the next Saturday when you guys get to do 10. We'll just do your 10 mile route twice from Fleet Feet. Ugggh. I have a mental block against repeating but this is better than doing 20 all alone with no water stops and no one to look at for five or more hours!!!! We probably will start at 4 am so that there may still be water out for most of our run--maybe we'll take some steroids so we can be REAL fast and make sure we have water! Maybe it will be good for my poor pitiful feet to get an extra week without the long mileage. We'll see whether I manage to do a ten miler in NY the morning of the wedding. I'm seriously doubting it but I think God will forgive for missing this day of my training. And, I had to miss many of the Saturday runs last year, and I don't think I've had to miss one yet this year.
You guys looked great out there today and I thank all of you who let me run with you today. Christa, Shelllie, and Christy--did I get your names right? I especially thank you for letting me tag along with you guys so that I would not be alone in the big bad woods in the dark. And I loved my yummy breakfast at Beagle Bagel. I got to get the cheese melt today which looked good the last time I was there when I had the peanut butter on the cinnamon raisin bagel which was awesome, huh Deb? I think I am a food addict because I love it so much!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I have sinned yet again
Okay, somehow I got in a little funk today at work. So, after having a nice grilled chicken salad with diet dressing for lunch, I hit the junk food machines about 5 pm. A large pack of sugar wafers followed by a big bag of peanuts. This was after an earlier bag of microwave popcorn which I called carbo loading. Then, I got an ice cream craving. I had text messaged my daughter to see if she was going to temple knowing we'd go out for dinner afterwards and she never answered. So, after the cookies and peanuts (and the popcorn), I left work briefly to go to Cold Stone Creamery and got the largest size cup of something sinful with coffee ice cream, peanut butter, pecans, and some other good stuff. But, I felt a bit gross afterwards, maybe needing a shot of insulin???? And, I'm not diabetic. Yet. So, we shall see what sort of running experience, in the dark, in the heat, that I have tomorrow.
I'm thinking I may have to start going to Cleveland, Mississippi that is, each weekend to check on things, so yoga may be out of the picture, and also Monday morning lawn mowing, but we shall see. I have enjoyed all the me time I've had these past 2 or 3 years but it may be time to think about others first for a little while. I may even have to move up there but I'm going to postpone that until after the Jewish holidays in September and after the marathon in October if at all possible. I'm afraid I won't be too accountable just to myself to exercise and train for marathons but maybe I will if I can blog with you guys and join a gym up there. Who knows???
I'm thinking I may have to start going to Cleveland, Mississippi that is, each weekend to check on things, so yoga may be out of the picture, and also Monday morning lawn mowing, but we shall see. I have enjoyed all the me time I've had these past 2 or 3 years but it may be time to think about others first for a little while. I may even have to move up there but I'm going to postpone that until after the Jewish holidays in September and after the marathon in October if at all possible. I'm afraid I won't be too accountable just to myself to exercise and train for marathons but maybe I will if I can blog with you guys and join a gym up there. Who knows???
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Nice change of scenery, don't lift full coolers
Jody and I had a nice walk through Belhaven and walked up to Fondren to see his potential new house. We walked a little ways and ran a little and even got told hello by a fellow Marathon Makeover person--Merrill McKewen--I think I mispelled both of her names. Then I came home to gather up all the stuff I made for snacks/dinner for the board meeting at the temple tonight. This included a loaded cooler with ice and drinks which I had no choice but to lift by myself up into my van. Actually, one of my neighbors was out across the street and I should have asked her but I didn't. Thank goodness our custodian was available when I got to temple to help me get it out!
I think I might order some Strassburg socks today to see if that helps with my plantar fasciitis. They only have the large ones at Fleet Feet and they are too big for my darling, petite little legs and feet--hah, my feet are bigger than some men that I know! I also encourage the ones of you whose feet are hurting to consider new shoes. If they hurt from blisters, that's one thing, but if you just have generalized pain, your shoes might be worn out again! I have bought some new ones that I am holding as long as I can before I wear them, but I got them out of the box and looked at the bottom of them and at the bottom of the old ones, and I could see a LOT of wear on the old ones. And my feet are beginning to be sore in various places, sort of like bone bruises, sort of like they began to feel last year before the marathon where I ended up with a stress fracture. So, BE KIND TO YOUR FEET as we have three more really long runs--20, 22, and 26.2!!!!
I think I might order some Strassburg socks today to see if that helps with my plantar fasciitis. They only have the large ones at Fleet Feet and they are too big for my darling, petite little legs and feet--hah, my feet are bigger than some men that I know! I also encourage the ones of you whose feet are hurting to consider new shoes. If they hurt from blisters, that's one thing, but if you just have generalized pain, your shoes might be worn out again! I have bought some new ones that I am holding as long as I can before I wear them, but I got them out of the box and looked at the bottom of them and at the bottom of the old ones, and I could see a LOT of wear on the old ones. And my feet are beginning to be sore in various places, sort of like bone bruises, sort of like they began to feel last year before the marathon where I ended up with a stress fracture. So, BE KIND TO YOUR FEET as we have three more really long runs--20, 22, and 26.2!!!!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
It's even hot in the swimming pool!!!!
Wednesday is usually swim day for me although I almost bagged it for yoga. But, I went and did my weights and went out to the pool. I stuck my foot in and it was almost as warm as bath water! So, I walked in to the indoor lap pool, hoping it would be cooler, and, of couse, it wasn't. It is only cool if it is winter or if they just changed out the water. So, back outside I went and got in my usual lane. It was so hot after one lap that I decided to go to the other side of the pool which is shadier to see if that made any difference. Not much. I almost decided to stop at 12 laps but then I remembered about all that heat that you lose from your head. So, I took off my swim cap which made a HUGE difference. However, there was hair everywhere but I dealt with it. Most of you probably haven't seen my hair down but it is pretty long and feels yucky when it is wet and clinging to the shoulders and getting in your eyes. But, I did it and I always feel better about myself when I manage to get in some sort of exercise in a day. I brought my yoga stuff to work in hopes that I get enough work done to leave here and come to that, too, because I thought the stretching there was very helpful to all of the sore and creaking parts of me that I have. I'm dreading the 20 miler alone already but have planned out my route and hope to get Jody and Sally to distribute many bottles of water and Propel all over creation at the reservoir so I can drink some of them and pour the others on top of my head!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Be Kind to Carol Week
Well, I usually push myself to the ultimate brink--of disaster, usually!!!! But, I don't think my leg muscles had fully recovered from the 16 miler in time for the 18 miler. I put on a thigh wrap on my right thigh which helped a lot but my muscles were and still are very tired, including my back. Just general fatigue. So, guess what I did today???? I walked rather than ran which felt REAL good. So, you guys that are still feeling sore and tired, take it a little easier this week than usual and don't feel guilty about it. If you had run a long race, you'd be taking a few days off so just go easy on yourself, if you can. And I'm not one who usually does that but I do think that, if you push yourself when you know your muscles are still sore and fatigued from your last run, your potential for causing more harm than good is pretty high. Just my humble opinion but I do have a couple of years experience of debilitating myself under my belt because I would NOT slow down or miss any workouts. So, Thursday Jody and I are going to meet in Belhaven at New Stage for a change of scenery at 530 am. We probably will walk and I won't run ahead since I won't know where I'm going! So, Saturday may be the next time that I run, believe it or not.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I am sad--last long run with the group
My schedule has not jived with the group long runs very well this year. Since I've had to do several of them alone, I think some of you might think that I LIKE doing them by myself. WRONG!!!!!! I knew I had to do the 15 in Dallas and the 16 in NY by myself. And I know that the 20 miler is on the day of my son's wedding in NYC. So I may have to do that one on a weekday by myself. But, Sally just pointed out to me last night that the 22 miler is on Yom Kippur! Which, for those of you who don't know, is an important Jewish holiday which requires not only being in services all day but involves fasting for food and liquids!!!!! So, needless to say, I'll be doing that one on another day, too. And I truly love having you guys around me as I /we suffer through running forever and ever. And, so far, I have never managed to be able to get to the party we have after the marathon is over so I'm doubly sad. And, Onetta, I didn't pass you twice I don't think--I was just running the route backwards since I started early. I was "ahead" because I started an hour early to try to beat the heat--it was muggy that first hour but I wasn't horribly hot during this run. Either not running in that last hot hour or the pouring of the water over my head did the trick. And what is a HoverRound????
And, newsflash, Carol has exited the bed! I got up around 10 am and bathed and got dressed. Am at work for a little while. Hoping to get to the yoga class. Slowly re-entering the land of the living!
And, newsflash, Carol has exited the bed! I got up around 10 am and bathed and got dressed. Am at work for a little while. Hoping to get to the yoga class. Slowly re-entering the land of the living!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I hope I'm still behind/ahead on calories
I cannot seem to put enough food in my mouth. I remain in PJ's and in bed except to go get food. And lots of it. Just now finished the last four blue Sport Beans left in the bag from this morning. This follows one gel, one bag of Bloks, and half of one Power Bar eaten during the run. Ate the other half during the cold plunge. Then had turkey sandwich after the Endurox. Bag of popcorn, bag of Sunchips. TONS of leftover candy--Halloween candy from last year, desperation. One low fat ice cream bar, one diet coke float with lowfat vanilla ice cream. Two clementines. One heated up from freezer pasta dish with chicken and spinach--I don't remember making it or freezing it but too tired to get dressed and go get something else to eat. Just made cheese nachos and ate those. Hopefully the Sport Beans are the last thing to go in my mouth tonight. No wonder I don't lose weight from running, huh? But, the muscle soreness is leaving me and I am feeling good now. And not sleepy since I have dozed off and on all day. Sorry I missed the party but I'm not sure I could have come without a walker or a wheelchair and a driver!
I'm not a couch potato
Nope, not a couch potato but a bed potato! Still in bed. Only getting up for bathroom and food breaks. And hitting the bottle, water bottle that is. In bed with me and my laptop. I felt so good during the run that I'm surprised at how sore and debilitated I am. Sort of feels like the way I felt after finishing the marathon!!!! I even skipped my Crestor dose on Thursday to help me get through today. And got permission from my doctor to stop the Crestor for a couple of weeks before the marathon. (Crestor is my cholesterol medication and it causes muscle soreness). I am watching Animal Planet now, having watched reruns on CNN ad infinitum. I think that there might be a cruelty to humans group that might want to arrest someone for letting me get to this state but they'd be surprised to find out that I am the one to blame! I was planning on going in to work today but I think the Rack Monster is winning. I can't decide where I'd like to trough down for dinner. I'm too exhausted to come to the party, I think. Can't cook anything and don't think I can drive for 30 minutes and stand up and be sociable. Maybe I can call for delivery of butt? So I can judge for myself which is best?
And, another thing I learned after today's run. You should have a designated driver to drive you home after a long run, started way too early in the morning, and augmented by a couple of tiny doses of muscle relaxant along the way! I was very sleepy driving home. Kept sipping on the Monster drink to help keep me up. With the caffeine and the overly sweet taste, I thought the sips would jolt me awake but it was a struggle.
I'm wishing now I had picked up a map so I could come to the party even though I don't have anything to bring!
And, another thing I learned after today's run. You should have a designated driver to drive you home after a long run, started way too early in the morning, and augmented by a couple of tiny doses of muscle relaxant along the way! I was very sleepy driving home. Kept sipping on the Monster drink to help keep me up. With the caffeine and the overly sweet taste, I thought the sips would jolt me awake but it was a struggle.
I'm wishing now I had picked up a map so I could come to the party even though I don't have anything to bring!
Things Learned During Today's Run
1. It does NOT feel cooler at 4 am. In fact, the air is still and thick, not to mention that you cannot begin to see where you are going!
2. The gates to LakeShore are not really locked--the chain is just looped around and the lock is hanging there.
3. You can simulate being able to jump into a swimming pool every four miles by pouring cold water on the top of your head at each water stop. This helped me more than anything I have ever done on a long run. Although I hear that we ran out of water, and I spologize. But I'll have to do it again next time.
4. Running the route backwards lets you get to say good morning to almost everyone who is doing the run--and also some who are not with your group and think you are crazy.
5. Having a good run and not hurting too badly during does not mean that you will feel perky afterwards--I remain in bed in my pajamas as I am typing. Almost too sore to get up and fix myself a sandwich!
6. No telilng how much I would be hurting if I hadn't done the cold plunge and had the yummy chocolate Endurox. Now, I love taking a nice hot bath so getting in my bathtub with iced down water did NOT seem inviting, but I did it.
7. The greatest thing about running 18 miles is how relieved you feel when it is over.
8. Even your bestest MM friends laugh at you when you wear a head light.
9. It is difficult, if not impossible, to see and find the water stations in the dark.
10. One day I am going to knock someone riding their bike down and steal it during the midst of running double digit miles.
11. I think it is very unfair of marathon officials to ban music during marathon runs. It is hard to keep oneself entertained for 5 or 6 or more hours while torturing yourself.
12. Something is going to hurt during a long run. If it's not your legs or your feet or your toes, it's your back.
13. We need a team of masseuses at end of every long run.
14. I am brain dead and can't think of lots of the other clever things that ran through my head during the run!
15. I thought I could lie in bed and make some jewelry I need to make but I'm too tired to even do that.
16. One should have lots of groceries in the house before you go out on a long run because you don't feel like going to a restaurant or to the grocery afterwards.
17. Some people can walk as fast as I can run. And walk lots faster than I can walk.
18. I am capable of eating a sport jelly bean that has been on the ground/bridge. But, I saw Donna drop it and it met the 5 second rule and I had not tasted that flavor and it was good.
19. Gels would taste better cold, like pudding. Maybe.
20. I think I'll bring teddy grahams next time.
21. Sushi is a good pre-long run meal as my stomach has done okay twice after having that.
22. I am jealous of the women who can run in their sport bras without a shirt and truly envious that guys can run without a shirt at all. Discrimination, I think.
23. People should have sprinklers running and pointed out to the street to keep us cool. And their should be nice, air conditioned bathrooms all along the way.
2. The gates to LakeShore are not really locked--the chain is just looped around and the lock is hanging there.
3. You can simulate being able to jump into a swimming pool every four miles by pouring cold water on the top of your head at each water stop. This helped me more than anything I have ever done on a long run. Although I hear that we ran out of water, and I spologize. But I'll have to do it again next time.
4. Running the route backwards lets you get to say good morning to almost everyone who is doing the run--and also some who are not with your group and think you are crazy.
5. Having a good run and not hurting too badly during does not mean that you will feel perky afterwards--I remain in bed in my pajamas as I am typing. Almost too sore to get up and fix myself a sandwich!
6. No telilng how much I would be hurting if I hadn't done the cold plunge and had the yummy chocolate Endurox. Now, I love taking a nice hot bath so getting in my bathtub with iced down water did NOT seem inviting, but I did it.
7. The greatest thing about running 18 miles is how relieved you feel when it is over.
8. Even your bestest MM friends laugh at you when you wear a head light.
9. It is difficult, if not impossible, to see and find the water stations in the dark.
10. One day I am going to knock someone riding their bike down and steal it during the midst of running double digit miles.
11. I think it is very unfair of marathon officials to ban music during marathon runs. It is hard to keep oneself entertained for 5 or 6 or more hours while torturing yourself.
12. Something is going to hurt during a long run. If it's not your legs or your feet or your toes, it's your back.
13. We need a team of masseuses at end of every long run.
14. I am brain dead and can't think of lots of the other clever things that ran through my head during the run!
15. I thought I could lie in bed and make some jewelry I need to make but I'm too tired to even do that.
16. One should have lots of groceries in the house before you go out on a long run because you don't feel like going to a restaurant or to the grocery afterwards.
17. Some people can walk as fast as I can run. And walk lots faster than I can walk.
18. I am capable of eating a sport jelly bean that has been on the ground/bridge. But, I saw Donna drop it and it met the 5 second rule and I had not tasted that flavor and it was good.
19. Gels would taste better cold, like pudding. Maybe.
20. I think I'll bring teddy grahams next time.
21. Sushi is a good pre-long run meal as my stomach has done okay twice after having that.
22. I am jealous of the women who can run in their sport bras without a shirt and truly envious that guys can run without a shirt at all. Discrimination, I think.
23. People should have sprinklers running and pointed out to the street to keep us cool. And their should be nice, air conditioned bathrooms all along the way.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Body is creaking
I know, I shouldn't say I'm dreading tomorrow, but I am. I'm considering starting at 4 or 430 to beat some of the heat but I'm not sure which is worse--getting up in the middle of the night or running in temps over 80. And, my back is killing me today. Got up and took 1/4 of a muscle relaxant and went back to sleep for a few minutes but still hurts. Couldn't figure out what made it happen until I remembered what I did yesterday. Went to temple to drive Meals on Wheels and had a few minutes to spare. A friend of mine was there tutoring someone in Hebrew and her precious baby was there, too. I held her for about 15 minutes, and I'm a little out of shape for holding plump little 9 month olds. I can't think of anything else that could have cranked this up. I hope it feels better by tomorrow or maybe I'll have an excuse not to do it! But, I can't do the 20 miler with you guys because of the wedding. Anyone else want to run 20 miles on the Monday or Tuesday after the 25th????
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
XT today was going to the doctor!
I forgot that I had a lab appointment last week and big checkup this morning and had mucho things scheduled for today. Went to trainer at 6 am (uggh), showered at gym (uggh2), and went and had lab drawn. Then saw the doctor at 9 and then went home to feed the hungry doggies. Then had to go back home and meet the airconditioner repairman to fix upstairs AC. Which, of course, went on the blink just days after the one year warranty expired. Have choir practice tonight and then will come back to work--trying to make a living. My XT today consisted of three minutes on the elliptical which is just about how long I LIKE to stay on that machine!
Debra Fergason just sent me a neat link to add to your reader for your blogs from Jeff Gallaway. He has a great piece about running in the heat. Wish we had a swimming pool to dip in somewhere along the way on Saturday!
Debra Fergason just sent me a neat link to add to your reader for your blogs from Jeff Gallaway. He has a great piece about running in the heat. Wish we had a swimming pool to dip in somewhere along the way on Saturday!
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