Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New mode of dehydration

Deb and I wogged at the Rez at 6 am this morning--was wonderful to go a little later and have some daylight but, boy, was there traffic on the way home! Then, I started on the weekly Mowing of the Yard, knowing I was only going to do half due to time and heat constraints. Had my usual cantankerous mower problems and the weedeater is still on the blink. Then I got a phone call that they put my brother in the hospital today. So, while I was pouring sweat mowing, I was sobbing also. Was a good way to help deal with frustration though. He is so weak that every little action of daily life that we take for granted like getting up out of a chair and down into a chair and in and out of a car is an ordeal. His back was hurting him yesterday and he called for some medication but this morning when my nephew went to get him/help him, he must have been really bad because my nephew took him straight to the hospital. I would take this a lot better other than the fact that I am leaving next Wednesday for the wedding, and my brother is supposed to go with me so I can take care of him. Since he has no kids of his own, all of his nieces and nephews have been his kids, and he has spoiled them rotten. So they all love him to death, and we all are going to be so sad if he can't come. And, he has a trip to England planned at the end of the month with two of his good friends that I really wanted him to be able to make as I don't think he is going to be able to travel much more. Again, I say, let us all say thanks to God for the ability and privilege to be able to train for this marathon.


LegalSec said...

We should all be thankful for our health! I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

Believe in Miracles ~ Lisa B Davis said...

My prayers will be with you and your brother

Seeyanthewindycity said...

Enjoyed running with you on Saturday. Hate to hear of the news regarding your brother. Please know that your family will be in my prayers!

The Miller's Blog said...

Your family will be in my prayers.

VICKIE said...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Carol. As you know each day brings a new challenge and I am praying that this is just a brief setback for your brother. You are right that we all should be grateful for our health. Suzanne

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

I'm so sorry about your brother. You're right, we need to be thankful that we're able to train and run a marathon. And we should do this in honor and memeory of people who can't run.

Robin said...

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, your brother and family. He is certainly blessed with a special sis!

Chuck Gautier said...

It is great that your brother has a sister who is a Doctor, too! It sure makes us all know we can't take our health for granted. Take care...

Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!