Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Supa Carol is melting, melting

Lovely Debra, FStop on her, has given me the new name of Supa Carol. She, Sally, and I met at 6 am for our usual wog. Mind you, I said SIX am which was supposedly a treat. Except for the heat. Or either I'm just getting wimpier and wimpier. Now, I gotta tell you guys that Deb can walk faster than anyone I've every walked with. In fact, I'm not sure that she doesn't walk faster than she runs!!! I must have gone out too fast because I got pooped VERY quickly. We were doing 2:1's and I tend to go too fast on the run part of that since I don't have to be able to go 5 minutes like I usually torture myself to do. On the way back from Campfire, I considered stopping and sitting down, I was so hot and out of breath. Finally, I went into the Chevron bathroom and used my Propel cap to put water on top of my head. Which made me feel better although my legs were still spent when I went back out. So, two tough runs in a row make me think I'm like the witch in the Wizard of Oz who melted when she got wet! Not sure how much I'll run in New York but I'm taking my stuff. Hope to do a couple of 5 mile runs on Thursday and Saturday but not sure I'll have the time or the gumption to go by myself. I will pray for all of you running in this awful heat on Saturday. Do take it easy and drink plenty before, during , and after. I actually think I may have been a little behind on fluids today which may have been part of my problem. I drank a glass of wine last night before bed rather than a glass of water!


Patti said...

It's just REAL REAL HOT!!!
Don't worry about it!

Debra said...

Ah, so, Supa Carol!!! You are so kind.

Growing up on those Delta gravel roads I had to learn to walk fast to sling off the mosquitoes and the snakes! Shoulda been running all those years.

You and Sally still get the Fastest Delta Girls Running Awards.

Enjoy NYC.

cjonesrun said...

Hope all goes well this weekend with the rehearsal dinner, wedding and mom losing her son. Yeah, yeah, I know they say you are gaining a daughter...but it is still tough. Drinking wine helps. :>)

Chuck Gautier said...

Hope you have a Supa trip to NY! Y'all are too funny.....cg

lisathehornplayingturtle said...

Enjoy running in the "Big Apple". Hopefully, the lack of humidity will boost your confidence back up. Have a great trip!

Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!