Wednesday, August 1, 2007

XT today was going to the doctor!

I forgot that I had a lab appointment last week and big checkup this morning and had mucho things scheduled for today. Went to trainer at 6 am (uggh), showered at gym (uggh2), and went and had lab drawn. Then saw the doctor at 9 and then went home to feed the hungry doggies. Then had to go back home and meet the airconditioner repairman to fix upstairs AC. Which, of course, went on the blink just days after the one year warranty expired. Have choir practice tonight and then will come back to work--trying to make a living. My XT today consisted of three minutes on the elliptical which is just about how long I LIKE to stay on that machine!

Debra Fergason just sent me a neat link to add to your reader for your blogs from Jeff Gallaway. He has a great piece about running in the heat. Wish we had a swimming pool to dip in somewhere along the way on Saturday!


Anonymous said...

All I can add is Ugh!! I am tired after just reading about your day. Save your energy for Saturday. Suzanne

The Miller's Blog said...

Whew! That made me tired!

Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!