Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Finally went to the foot doctor

Well, my many prior foot diagnoses were correct! The stress fracture on the left foot has healed, the clutz fracture of the right baby toe has not healed yet (although it doesn't really hurt me), I do have plantar fasciitis on the right foot, and I have a name for my big fat left great toe joint that hurt me long before I ever joined Marathon Makeover. No new stress fractures were visible, surgery was offered for the hallux rigidus which I declined, stretch thing was bought to help with the plantar fasciitis. She recommended that I consider more crosstraining and maybe doing triathlons which I had already considered. And I interpreted what she said to me to mean that there were not marathons in my future to mean that I was not going to be doing lots more of them but maybe could do one more????? But, she did say that I was not permanently damaging my feet by continuing to run so I feel good about that. So, let's wog on, guys!!!! She also recommended different shoes than what I've been wearing so we shall see.

Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!