Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Orca Bay Quilt

After a usual Carol start--only skimming the directions, cut out a bunch of blocks, measured one and realized it was too small and that I was using the new ruler incorrectly, fixed this, cut out about 50 more and made them, came back and looked back at the instructions only to realize that I wasn't even making an hourglass block.   But, I started over and now I have about 3/4 of the half square triangles made and one hourglass unit put together.   Progress is progress!   Scrounging for scraps--okay, I cheated and have bought some fabric.   Having been quilting long enough to have adequate scraps to suit my matchy, matchy personality.  http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2011/11/mystery-monday-link-up.html

Carol and Courtney dancing!

Carol and Courtney dancing!